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JLeslie's avatar

What do White Supremacists think will happen if they get rid of all of the Jewish people in the world?

Asked by JLeslie (65978points) January 13th, 2022 from iPhone

I realize they hate more groups than just Jews, but I was watching an episode of Trafficked about WS and a former WS talked about “the final solution” and that it meant to him the same as in the time of Hitler; getting rid of the Jews.

I just don’t understand what they think will change if they get rid of all the Jews? I know it’s irrational hate, but what I’m asking is what do THEY think will happen? How will life be better for them?

Here’s a clip from the episode.

I recommend watching the episode in its entirety if you can, not just the YouTube clip I provided. The show is on the National Geographic channel. It talks about what I’ve been saying that these groups are connected across the world now. It also mentioned something I had no idea about; that a lot of the supremacy is coming out of the Ukraine. That was new for me, although I knew there is plenty of WS in parts of Europe.

So scary.

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