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mazingerz88's avatar

What have you been binging on lately?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29393points) January 15th, 2022 from iPhone

Anything from TV shows to bags of cashew nuts?

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29 Answers

janbb's avatar

Emily in Paris and Milk Duds.

cookieman's avatar

<—- ::ahem::

gondwanalon's avatar

Popcorn. I try to make it healthy with olive oil and just a dash of salt.

canidmajor's avatar

Hershey’s Nuggets, familiar feel-good books, and old favorite sci fi shows.

gondwanalon's avatar

Oh and I’ve been reading the Wizard of Oz books. Read 5 so far. Very creepy.

Inspired_2write's avatar

My long term Pen Pal in France sent me top of the line chocolates and a cand ( called Fruit a jelly with suger on top and cut in small cubes..very yummy).
I tried to pace myself as I had cut out all sweets for quite awhile now and was doing great weight wise..lost more weight and getting closer to my goal of getting in shape.
However the other day i couln’t help myself and ate most of the small box ( about 4 inches by 6 inches box). I could not eat the DARK chocolate nor some weird chocolate that had a covered bean of some type that tasted bitter..ugh..had to spit it out).
Anyways its all either eaten or just thrown away now and feeling better eating healthy foods again.
My goal now is to get strength back into my muscles by working on light weights and or stretching (straps/rubber).
I hope to be in much better shape by this Summer.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Also, I go to YouTube and pull up videos of fire places burning. Helps keep me warm.

flutherother's avatar

Silent Sea recommended
Succession Highly recommended

mazingerz88's avatar

^^That Silent Sea trailer reminds me of news yesterday about severe drought somewhere in Kenya.

filmfann's avatar

The Harry Potter and Lord Of The Rings and Hobbit films.

JLeslie's avatar

Just finished Clickbait on Netflix.

Ate too much fudge. I should have made a half recipe.

Tips and Tricks videos for Disney World.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Am I the only person on the world who doesn’t have a Netflix account?!

JLeslie's avatar

I don’t technically have one, I use a friend’s account. Netflix allows 5 users.

mazingerz88's avatar

Closed my Netflix account since 3 or 4 years ago. Used to have Hulu too. Only use Amazon Prime now.

Binged on the new Dexter series and now it’s done. Sadly.

Binged Vienna Blood first season and eager to see the second season but for whatever reason they changed the casting of the main lead’s love interest and I lost…interest. lol

Dutchess_III's avatar

Amazon Prime is da bomb.
So is Youtube.

JLoon's avatar

Thrift store designer clothes, as usual.

I gotta keep my hippie/cowgirl/socialite look fresh.

smudges's avatar

Currently, Yellowjackets. Next, new Dexter, Ghosts, One Strange Rock, and Wakefield – which I started and looks really good!

@gondwanalon Thanks for the tip. I didn’t know there even was such an animal. Something new to get from Amazon! Jeez! Now that I look again, there’s tons of them!

@Inspired_2write That bitter bean covered in chocolate was probably a coffee bean.

mazingerz88's avatar

@Dutchess_III Yes Youtube. Plenty of all sorts of fun videos to suit everyone’s taste.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Oh I didn’t realize that. I like coffee but not strong coffee.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Dr. Death on Peacock.

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

John Wayne movies with one of my grandsons. He likes them as much as I do. Rio Bravo, The Comancheros. and The Searchers off our list so far. Looking for the Wayne version of True Grit. Didn’t care much for the newer version. Didn’t care much for The Searchers either, but it is considered a classic in some circles. And microwave popcorn of course. Can’t get those movie vibes without popcorn.

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

Oh, and on edit, The War Wagon. Had Wayne and Kirk Douglas. Classic Western, good humored plot and funny dialogue.

Blackberry's avatar

Oh man…these past couple months I watched all of the Walking Dead and Fear the Walking Dead. What a wild ride! Felt like a 2 month long action movie lol.

jca2's avatar

I just started Afterlife with Ricky Gervais after a Jelly who is also on FB recommended it there. I like it.

I can’t wait for the 4th and final season of Ozark to come out, which is supposed to be on Thursday.

I started watching “Yellowstone” with Kevin Costner and it’s ok – I’m in the middle of the first season. I’m going to give it another go and hopefully it really hooks me.

The past few days I watched “The Tender Bar” and “Moonlight.” Moonlight was an Oscar winner from 2016.

A great documentary I highly recommend is “Life of Crime 1984–2020” which is about drug use and follows these addicts from 84 to 2020. You can see their decline and effect on their lives due to chronic use.

Cupcake's avatar

All seasons of Curb Your Enthusiasm on TV and reading Bridgerton books.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Drive-ins, Diners and Dives 12 episodes since Friday


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