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LostInParadise's avatar

Have you heard about the Wordle game?

Asked by LostInParadise (32298points) January 17th, 2022

Everyone seems to be making a big deal out of it and I don’t quite get it. Wordle is a word guessing game. The word is five letters. Each time you submit a 5 letter word and you are told which letters are in the word you are trying to guess and also in the same location and also if a letter is in the word but in a different location. You have 6 chances to get the word. I played it once online and, beginner’s luck, I guessed the word in 3 tries.

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62 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

As I understand it, it is the time-waster-of-the-month. it’s a fad.

janbb's avatar

Everyone is doing it and posting about on Facebook but I have no interest in it. I didn’t even know how you play until you just described it.

rebbel's avatar

Is it J E L L Y?

Demosthenes's avatar

I’ve played it. It’s a decent game. Not sure why it’s being hyped up so much. I think it got even more attention because it’s not being monetized and Apple removed a bunch of imitation apps from its App Store that were attempting to capitalize on its popularity.

jca2's avatar

I see people posting results on FB. I avoid all video games because I don’t want to get addicted, and I don’t want to spend any more time wasting time than I already do.

anniereborn's avatar

Yes I have. I enjoy playing it.

filmfann's avatar

I played yesterday and today. Both days got it in 3 tries.
Lucky or strategy?

LuckyGuy's avatar

I enjoy Wordle. I usually do it after the NY Times mini crossword.
Fortunately they only have one game per day – so I don’t get addicted.

flutherother's avatar

We played this at school 50 years ago with paper and pencil. It was a fun game but no big deal. It is similar to the “Mastermind” game that was all the rage in the UK, again, many years ago.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I play. I hate that you can play only once every 12 hours. That will keep you from getting addicted @jca2!

filmfann's avatar

Is it every 12 hours and not once a day?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yes. It’s every 12 hours.

zenvelo's avatar

^^^^ @filmfann No, it is once every 24 hours.

I have played for a week now, and enjoy it. Takes less time than a crossword puzzle, I like the graphics of the pictogram after you finish. But I bet people lose interest by February.

anniereborn's avatar

Yo people! Click that link I posted. It’s endless Wordle.

Jeruba's avatar

I like it. I used to like Mastermind a lot too. Same sort of challenge. Keeping the mind sharp is important to me, even as I can see my vocabulary declining.

@anniereborn, thanks!

I do the NYT crossword every day, and the Spelling Bee, and this new little extra is like a sprinkle of sugar on top.

SnipSnip's avatar

I had never played this and felt like a moron until I finally got one right. Thanks. I’ll play more afterwhile. :)

raum's avatar

I used to play it way back when. Did not get back into it recently. Though showed it to my 6yo, who got yesterday’s in four guesses. Started with “there”.

zenvelo's avatar

Today’s was hard. Uncommon letters.

LostInParadise's avatar

Making use of your comment, I got it in 3.

raum's avatar

I got it in five. My 6yo is better at this than I am. :P

Dutchess_III's avatar

@zenvelo….. what do you make of this?

I just played about 30 minutes ago.

Jeruba's avatar

I start with a word that has 5 different letters, no duplications, and the letters are all or nearly all common: e.g., SHARE, READY, and THANK. The second word uses all new letters plus the hits from row 1. Then I study on it for a bit. I get the answer usually in the third or fourth row.

Just did the one that’s up now, and it took me 5 rows, but my method is working.

Dutchess_III's avatar

My screen shot is showing the Wordle countdown from 12 hours. So technically you could play twice a day, like 7 am and 7 pm.

filmfann's avatar

@Dutchess_III I am guessing you played at noon.

Dutchess_III's avatar

About then.

raum's avatar

This question has totally started me playing wordle again on the regular. :P

Got it in four today.

SnipSnip's avatar

I keep going back to play another game too. I guess it’s a time water but at least using a little brain power.

Jeruba's avatar

Wow, I just barely won one (on the “unlimited” page) where the answer was in the form XyXXz: three letters the same. Not just duplicate but triplicate. (And the word itself is a little dubious.) That one took a lot of study. My brain is worn out now.

filmfann's avatar

Yesterday on the unlimited site, the target word was sulci. What kind of bullshit word is that? No one outside the medical community would know that!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh. @zenvelo is right. You can only play once a day. Depending on what time you play the timer sets it for how ever many hours until midnight.
I didn’t play until 3 so the timer showed 9 hours until I could play again.

Jeruba's avatar

Come on! The answer (again on the “unlimited” page) was LEONE. How does that figure as an English word at all? Bah.

LostInParadise's avatar

I have been playing on the once per day site. Using “table” and “pious” as the first two words, I have usually been able to get the word on the next guess.

zenvelo's avatar

I had a hard time today. Took me 5 tries.

filmfann's avatar

When the target words use double letters, it gets tricky.

rebbel's avatar

Read yesterday about a mathematician (I believe) who has made something so that he can guess the word in 2 go’s, 99% of the time (or something in that ballpark).
He uses a standard word consisting of the most used letters (in America?), and the software goes from there.

I used to play a word game on Dutch TV (I was a contestant even, together with my brother) and I used his system too (be it only the first step; subsequent steps we did on the fly).
We used the most used letters in Dutch, which were, in order of appearance, E N O T A D R I L
We lost (or, we didn’t go to the final round).
This was in 1994.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@zenvelo It took me 5 tries, too.

raum's avatar

Yesterday took me three tries, starting with “saint”.

zenvelo's avatar

@rebbel The ranking order of letter usage in English is ETAOINSHRDL.

But that would only give you two of the five letters in today’s word. And it doesn’t clue you in to placement.

today I started with STAIN, still took me four tries.

LostInParadise's avatar

I started again with table and pious. That was enough to guess on the third try. Even though I had only two letters, there was only one word that I could think of that would be a match.

raum's avatar

Jan 21
Four tries.
Started with “snore”.

I was an idiot on my third try though. And didn’t use a yellow letter from my second guess. Doh.

Jeruba's avatar

I have trouble remembering that green means right letter, right position. Gold looks more like a winner to me, so I’ve wasted tries on keeping the yellow letters in the same position.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Today’s word threw me for a loop cuz my mind went to the gutter!

Jeruba's avatar

@Dutchess_III, it sure looked to me as if there were no filter for borderline improprieties. I assumed there was a person choosing the words, unlike (apparently) the “endless” one, but maybe not.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Jeruba….call it yellow instead of gold.
I don’t do the endless one.

Jeruba's avatar

Deleted by me.

raum's avatar

My first game in two!

raum's avatar

Anyone else notice that they do better at certain times of the day? (And worse at other times of the day?)

I do my best late at night.
And my worst during morning hours.
Makes sense because I am not a morning person.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I think it’s almost all luck, more than anything. Today I finished in 3.

zenvelo's avatar

@Dutchess_III It’s luck based on your first guess, but then actviely considering the possiblities and excluding other formations based on what one can infer from the results of the earlier guesses takes some skill and thought.

raum's avatar

Agreed. Luck if you get it on the first shot. But requires a bit of logical deduction and vocabulary as you progress.

Though my 12yo and her friends have started playing. And they’ve managed to guess words that they don’t know. Just by plugging in letters. (But that’s on their fifth or sixth guesses.)

Dutchess_III's avatar

I copied it to one of your Facebook threads @zenvelo, to gloat!

filmfann's avatar

@raum I am better when I just wake up, and struggle

raum's avatar

@filmfann You mean like you’re better in the morning—even though you’re not a morning person? That’s interesting! I’m barely coherent in the morning. Haha

raum's avatar


“This is a stupid adaptation of Josh Wardle’s Wordle.

Each guess must be a valid 5 digit number. Hit the enter button to submit.”

filmfann's avatar

@raum I meant to say I struggle when i try at night.
I blame grandkids for my incomplete thought.

raum's avatar

@filmfann Gotcha! Would you say that you’re more of a morning person than a night owl?

Brian1946's avatar

I already have a vast array procrastination tools.
One manifestation of that is my 5,752 unread emails; my toolbox is overflowing. ;-o

LuckyGuy's avatar

I do it while having my morning coffee. There is no better time for me.

Dutchess_III's avatar

In 4. Dann dog woke me up at 7:45 to go outside. Had it 3 minutes later.

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