Social Question
Can you share your favorite bread recipes and tips?
Asked by JLeslie (65849)
January 18th, 2022
from iPhone
Looking for yeast bread recipes.
I’ve tried making a rustic bread a few times. I also tried pizza dough, and I’d like to try French bread.
I’m not great at making bread. The rustic has turned out the best so far, but still lacking. I tried cutting the salt, and that was not a good idea, now I know the bread needs the salt.
Pizza dough wasn’t good at all.
No problem with the rising, my dough rises.
I just need better recipes I guess, or maybe I should watch some YouTube’s, but I’d like jelly tips too.
My husband loves when I make bread, he never complains. He does critique it, like the lack of salt that one time, which I’m glad he does, but he always eats it all up, and tells me how much he appreciates it.
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