Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

What three stories should I tell?

Asked by JLeslie (65976points) January 20th, 2022 from iPhone

I need to tell three stories about getting a medical diagnosis and overcoming or dealing with it. Either about me or someone I know (with their permission). Many of you have heard me tell these stories before.

Here are the choices:

Getting diagnosed as a teenager with high cholesterol and learning I can drop my cholesterol 50 points in a few weeks by changing what I eat.

Getting diagnosed with liver damage and changing to healthier food choices and it cures the person’s high blood pressure. Plus, the person diagnosed reads up and realized the tech might have done the liver scan wrong and pushes for another scan and it turns out his liver is great.

Having a wound that won’t heal on your foot, your doctor eventually refers you to a wound clinic, many months pass, it’s not healing. A friend recommends seeing his podiatrist and the podiatrist in 30 seconds recognizes it’s cancer.

Spending years with muscle cramping and being so shaky sometimes you can’t hold a glass or drive a clutch car at times. After many doctors and being told your just aging at age 42, finally one doctor says she sees it all of the time, tests your vitamin D, it’s extremely low, and after getting the number up into normal most symptoms resolve or get significantly better.

Having trouble stabilizing my thyroid and how I finally did it by testing when I felt good even if it was not yet 6 weeks after starting a new dose.

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7 Answers

Inspired_2write's avatar

I would write on each one and usally one or two would stand out as your writing it will go smoother.

Jeruba's avatar

I have to agree with @Inspired_2write. Write them all out and then choose. Look for balance, minimal duplication and repetition, and how they support whatever overall theme emerges. Be sure to have someone read them over before you go live.

And don’t try to do it all in a rush. Care and thought, not mad dash.

What’s the nature of the presentation you’re preparing for?

JLeslie's avatar

This particular group meeting is on zoom and it’s just going to be sharing with the group a medical story that we hope will help others. I’m kicking it off with two or three stories. I’ll probably start with two and have one extra if the sharing slows down.

I will write them out, and try to get them very concise and short. People will just be listening to each other, so it can’t be elaborate, long, or confusing. We are all zoom friends for a long time, so it’s very casual. I was just hoping to work on the three stories jellies thought were most interesting or most helpful. Each story will be two minutes or less.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I would go with the cholesterol, highly relatable, the foot cancer and Vitamin D.

JLeslie's avatar

@KNOWITALL Thanks! I really want to do the vitamin D, but I worry I can’t make it less than two minutes without leaving a lot out. That you chose that one helps me though.

Thyroid, it’s probably too confusing or boring for people who don’t have a thyroid problem.

Cholesterol I agree relatable.

Cupcake's avatar

I was going to say the same as @KNOWITALL. A mix of very common issues (i.e., cholesterol and low vitamin D) with a very uncommon but compelling story.

I am sure you have great thyroid stories, but the synopsis here didn’t make sense to me immediately. If your group is mostly women, then thyroid symptoms are probably fairly common. Maybe next round.

JLeslie's avatar

I did the three suggested, and I did write out a paragraph each to read from. It went really well. Of my three stories, most people were interested in the vitamin D, and they offered their own stories too regarding vitamin D and other medical problems. Some stories were really quite upsetting. So much crappy medical care out there. We have a doctor in the group, and she was very interesting and helpful (she always is) I am so glad she is in the group and that she doesn’t get easily offended when we talk about difficulties in medical care.

I actually started the presentation with a polling question asking on a scale of one to ten where do you rate your confidence in your doctors. Most people said around an eight, just a few said a number below 5. My rating would be a 4 or 5.

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