How have you changed your life? I don’t do nearly as much activities indoors. Some activities have switched to zoom and some have switched to outside. I also do a lot of curbside pick-up for groceries rather than going into the store. I had been looking for a good part time job for the developer where I live (I work part time already from home) and now I am wary to work where I will be in contact with people, so I basically stopped looking, but sometimes I see a job listing that sounds good. It’s kind of depressing seeing a possibly job opportunity skip by, and also kind of nice to have an excuse not to work more. I just think I would overall enjoy it and would like making some more money. I am very lucky to have the luxury to choose.
How are you coping with these changes? Coping ok, but I miss many of my activities. I go back to doing zumba inside when cases are low in the community, and then when the cases surge I stop again.
Do you manage to find balance in your life, like time for exercise, time for fun, time for relationships? (Family, friends etc.,). Yes, but less fun and time together with friends than before covid. Before covid I was having fun every day and I was with friends constantly talking, going to eat, visiting, dancing (it was like living in a college dorm just in our own houses). Now, we don’t go into each other’s houses (very rare anyway) we almost never go out to eat, but we do go out dancing sometimes and we sometimes see each other at the swimming pool. We also visit each other outside. I haven’t seen my family in two years except on zoom and facetime.
Have you felt down or anxious? How do you deal with that? Waves of feeling down, but it is usually fleeting, so I just let it happen and then try to focus on what I can do.
How do you deal with the mental health aspect of this pandemic? Try to focus on fun things I can still do and silver linings, like my husband has been able to work from home because of covid.
What extra precautions do you take, for e.g. do you wash goods before allowing them into the house? Do you wash clothes that are delivered to you before wearing them? I wear my mask around my neck all of the time, so I have it handy if I feel I need it. I wear my mask indoors, except for when I am in zumba class (which probably sounds crazy). I still let my mail sit a day and still use alcohol or soap and water on some surfaces if they were just touched with possible covid hands, or if I have to touch those surfaces I try to be careful not to touch my face until I can wash my hands, but I was like that before covid.
As far as clothing, I am the same as always. I usually wash most new clothing before wearing it. I don’t buy anything anymore that needs to be dry cleaned.
Our family often wonders how others are coping. It seems almost invasive to ask too much? Do you feel that too? I don’t usually ask people how they are doing regarding covid specifically. I might talk about it myself, and then if they want to open up too they can.