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flutherother's avatar

What does Europe mean to you?

Asked by flutherother (35076points) January 23rd, 2022

I’m thinking mostly but not exclusively of those of us who live in the USA. Would you miss Europe if it were swallowed up by Russia or somehow just disappeared.

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14 Answers

rebbel's avatar

A major loss of cultural inheritance.
Not to mention me, my family, and my Greek girlfriend.

Zaku's avatar

I greater prefer and care more about the well-being of Europe, than I do about any other place I’ve been… unless you count natural ecosystems.

ragingloli's avatar

Europe should become a united country, a new superstate to rival its enemies, Russia, China, and The Colonies. A new super power, so to speak.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I’m not indifferent to Europe’s significance or beauty, but I’m not sure it would affect my life much, regardless. I’d certainly care about the welfare of @rebbel and the populace.

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

I’m a history buff so it means a lot to me. As well as being the home of my not so distant ancestors. Ireland and Northern England. My great grandmother was English, immigrated here, married here and settled eventually in Little Rock Arkansas. My mom told us she never lost her accent.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Not as much as it used to. The common market was one thing, but the European Union and its attempt to have one set of rules for all countries has deprived Europe of its history and personality, and homogenized Europe.

And now the entire continent suffers because of this asinine idea that there should be one single way of doing things in Europe. If they had stopped with the Euro coin , that would have been fine. But this one-big-Union where everyone sits down and sings Kumbaya is jsut nutty.

Europe will ultimately fail because of the EU.

JLeslie's avatar

What?! Yes, I would miss Europe if Russia swallowed it up. WTH? Part of Russia is in Europe, which I assume everyone on the thread knows. First, I don’t think the people in the other countries want to be part of Russia. Second, population can mean power, and I don’t want Russia having more power.

My grandparents and great grandparents (depending on which side of my family) were from Europe, but I don’t feel much of an affiliation to Europe for that reason, because it’s only bad and sad stories, which is why they came to America.

I thought it was good for Europe when European countries linked up their currency to the Euro (I realize not all of them did) and that they were more of a united block. I thought it would give them more power. It does seem to have its problems though.

cookieman's avatar

Europe is where my great grandparents were from. It’s where my in laws were from. It’s where we honeymooned and travelled to many times. It’s where we took my daughter when she was four and again when she was thirteen.

Europe is home to a breathtaking amount of beauty and history.

Europe is where I would retire if I were ever lucky enough to be able to retire.

gondwanalon's avatar

Been there done that. Got the t-shirt and got ripped off big time. I’ll be back in Britain in August. Guess I never learn. HA!

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Five points in Risk.

Inspired_2write's avatar

It was the origins from where our nations started from the back braking pioneers from Europe who ventured to Canada and the U.S. and other countries.
Our beginnings were in Europe and we all have our roots there.

ragingloli's avatar

It is also the best place to live, bar none.

janbb's avatar

If I could, I would probably live someplace in Europe, especially if we are still including the UK in Europe. Much more enlightened societal ideals for the most part.

Demosthenes's avatar

I’ve traveled all around Europe and one of the worst aspects of the pandemic has been my inability to go there. I’ve always been fascinated by European history and culture. I would absolutely not want to see Russia take over other Eastern European nations or to see European cultures die, but at the same time, I wonder how tenable the current “lots of little sovereign nations” structure in Europe is. For most of Europe’s history, big chunks of it were loosely unified into larger states. So change could be coming, for better or for worse.

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