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JLeslie's avatar

How long will glow paints glow?

Asked by JLeslie (65934points) January 26th, 2022 from iPhone

Do glow in the dark paints glow only for a short time? Or, will they glow all night?

Here’s one product I was looking at. Glowtime concrete paint.–2rOooecJDx2VdYkPuf5EvlguT5g950jwSOJ4aAqDmEALw_wcB_k&utm_content=go_1843970767_71423393922_346364344935_pla-296429078139_m__604375410_150182367&utm_custom2=1843970767&gbraid=0AAAAADtcfRIpE92gk-Mri6v3fDqnKU5X1&gclid=Cj0KCQiA_8OPBhDtARIsAKQu0gaIFEw5j24piWGpm9–2rOooecJDx2VdYkPuf5EvlguT5g950jwSOJ4aAqDmEALw_wcB

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5 Answers

RocketGuy's avatar

Their info says you might need 30 min of light exposure to charge it, then it will glow for 8 hr (although brightness will gradually go down during that time).
If it’s a green glow, likely it is zinc sulfide. That it its material property, so will be able to do the charge/glow thing until it breaks down. Also, black light (UV) will cause it to charge and glow brightly while the light is on. Then it will fade down after the light is turned off. Sounds like a fun product.,to%20release%20hydrogen%20sulfide%20gas.

JLeslie's avatar

^^Thank you! Wait, so is it possibly poisonous to animals that walk across the paints?

Also, just to make sure I understand, it doesn’t need a black light to be seen right? The sun “charges” it, and then in the dark it will glow possibly you to 8 hours. Do I have that correct?

I wonder if the light in front of my house will screw up being able to see it glow.

RocketGuy's avatar

The pigment ought to be stuck in the paint. You can put a clear coat over it to make sure. That will ensure that animals won’t get poisoned and also ensure that it won’t rub off too soon. Sunlight will charge it, and just as the Sun sets, there is more UV than visible light in the sky so you should see it glow. But you are right – the front light might wash out the glow. At least it will charge the paint a bit, so if you turned the light off late at night you will see it glow.

JLeslie's avatar

@RocketGuy Where I live we can’t turn off the front light. It comes on when it gets dark. All houses where I live have an automatic light in the front yard. We pay for the electricity! Lol. We basically have no choice, it’s expected to be on at night. The only way to shut it off is to remove the bulb.

RocketGuy's avatar

Aww, no fun at all!

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