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JLeslie's avatar

Are you dieting?

Asked by JLeslie (65902points) January 26th, 2022 from iPhone

What’s your current diet has plan?

Are you trying to lose weight? Some other reason you are adjusting your diet?

How’s it going?

Share your diet if you feel so inclined.

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7 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

No. Just cutting pop out of my diet. I am sticking to mostly tap water. All other drinks I have as a special occasion. Or at least I try to limit them.

Just trying to lose belly fat and my man boobs. Everything else is perfect.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Unintentionally, yes.

Everything tastes really bad to me. Well, not everything but 99% of what I like.

So I have been cutting back a lot and eating way less because it’s hard to eat food that makes you want to throw up.

Not trying to lose weight, but I’d be surprised if I didn’t.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Yes cut out all sweets and less bread .Drink lots of water during the day.
Have kept the weight off and losing regularly and maiintaining my weight to a steady number.
I hope to be out more walking and this summer Hiking so i need to get my muscles in shape, but losing the weight first then will rampt it up with weights ( small then gradually heavier ones).
I did this years ago and I was much heavier and it took approximately 8 months to get into shape. ( but I was riding my bike,hiking, going up hills etc

I can’t ride a bike anymore due to a back injury ( unless its a Fat bike that absorbs the impact).

I felt my best when I was fit and active so i want that now as well.

Its not impossible as a 63 year old man worked out with a trainer and in the end was muscle bound like a much younger man and now healthier too!( was on the tv News last year).

Brian1946's avatar

Not really, although I occasionally fast for about 24 hours.

It doesn’t take any will power or effort, it’s just that I don’t eat before I work out, and I usually procrastinate.

janbb's avatar

I don’t diet per se any more but I do weigh myself and maintain my weight. I eat what I want but try to keep it balanced through the days and week. If I go out to eat once or twice during the week or have too many treats, I’ll try to have a day or two of smaller meals and bring it back in the range. Ideally, I could be 15 pounds lighter but I don’t want to put in the work to get there and the sacrifice of enjoyment to maintain that weigh. As long as I don’t go up more, I’m ok with this system.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t do diets. Diets are temporary. I changed my eating habits 35 years ago and never looked back.

product's avatar

I’ve been trying to eat more lately. I lost 30 pounds recently via extreme depression. But I’ve been feeling slightly better lately, and trying to gain back a little weight and get my energy up. I’ve actually had a few food cravings recently, which is a good sign.

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