Social Question

gondwanalon's avatar

What do you think of this key to ID domestic cats?

Asked by gondwanalon (23399points) January 31st, 2022

KEY TO I.D. Felis pussycaticus

1A Face with caved-in appearance—-> Persian (VHC, VHL)
1B Face without caved-in appearance—-> 2

2A Ears bent over——> Scottish Fold (VHC, VHL)
2B Ears straight ——> 3

3A Paid a huge pile of money from cat breeder ——> 4
3B Cat free or nearly so——> 5

4 Consult the breeders for specific pedigree——> Bengal, Tonkinese, Abbyssinian, Siamese, Burmese, Rag doll, Main Coon, Sphinx, Siberian, Savannah, etc.

5A Tail short ——> American Bob Tail (VHC, VHL)
5B Tail long ——-> 6

6A Hair long ——-> American Long Hair (VHC)
6B Hair short ——-> American Short Hair (VHC)
**** **** **** **** ****
Note: VHC = Variable Hair Color
VHL = Variable Hair Length

(Key most useful for domestic cats located within the Americas)

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8 Answers

Dutchess_III's avatar

What about bobcats?

jca2's avatar

@Dutchess: they’re not domestic cats.

Zaku's avatar

It looks like a weird way to go about it, seems inaccurate, and ends up with American Long Hair and American Short Hair, where the usual term is Domestic Short/Long Hair, which also makes up almost all cats.

It seems to imply you can say any cat with a concave face is a Persia, and any with bent ears are Scottish Folds, but I think that’s not strictly true.

Also it has the only path to consulting a breeder to find the many other breeds is to know someone “paid a huge pile of money from cat breeder” but that is not necessarily true.

So it’s someone taking a broken system and trying to make it look smart and/or funny by giving it numbers and codes.

gondwanalon's avatar

@Zaku You’re right. It’s a joke. Just having a little fun with domestic cat classification. I thought that Felis pussycaticus was a good clue. Oh well.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Bobcats are not domestic cats. That makes me sad.
And Pluto is not a planet

Zaku's avatar

@Dutchess_III Pluto is now considered a dwarf planet , if that helps.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Sniff. Ok. I feel a little better now @Zaku.

janbb's avatar

Any cat that thinks it’s a breed is really a trans-dog!

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