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flutherother's avatar

What do you think of Vivian Maier's photographs?

Asked by flutherother (35078points) February 2nd, 2022

She was somewhat eccentric and worked for most of her life as a nanny. She made no attempt to interest anyone in her pictures and they were discovered only by chance after she died. In her days off she walked the streets of New York and Chicago with her bulky Rolleiflex camera taking pictures.

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17 Answers

janbb's avatar

There’s a new biography about her. I heard the author interviewed on the radio; I’d never heard of the “French Nanny” before. An odd life. Her photos are very good.

product's avatar

Thank you. Never heard of her, but now I’m going through her amazing photos. Good stuff.

flutherother's avatar

@janbb I hadn’t heard of her until I saw the documentary “Finding Vivian Maier” on Amazon Prime. It is worth watching.

mazingerz88's avatar

I love her photos. Well composed imo.

Chestnut's avatar

I never understood the attraction to looking at pictures. Anybody can snap a photo, not sure how one is better than the other.

product's avatar

^ That’s unfortunate. For you. For me, there is far more in photographs than just an image taken by a piece of photography. Good photography can be beautiful or evoke all kinds of emotions. Two people can stand next to each other with the same camera facing the same direction and capture entirely different things.

Art doesn’t necessarily hit everyone the same. For example, I’m unmoved by poetry. But still images and music can be quite powerful to me. Either you haven’t found a photographer whose work resonates with you, or maybe photography just isn’t your thing. But I assure you – there is far more there than just someone snapping a photo.

Zaku's avatar

They’re great.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Love her work. The back story is fascinating.

smudges's avatar

Some of them are very odd, imo, and make me wonder what spoke to her that made her take the photo. I love the ones where she captures herself as a reflection.

JLoon's avatar

I like them.

She’s compltely unknown to me – But from what I can see through your link and other sources, her photos are as interesting & good as other bigger names working in the snapshot genre:
Robert Frank
Gary Winogrand
Lisette Model

What’s fascinting is that with an ordinary camera, open eyes, and a curious nature you can capture glimpses of something magic in everyday life.

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SEKA's avatar

I had not heard of her, but her pics are intriguing. @Chestnut I could have been standing directly beside her and would not have had such beautiful photos. If mine were posted beside hers, I am sure you would be drawn to her talent. Also, remember that these photos were in black and white and she’s showing depth of field and she framed her subjects very well. I would love to have even half her talent

Now that I’ve been exposed, I will be checking out the documentary on Amazon to learn more. Thank you @flutherother for sharing

Chestnut's avatar

I prefer hand arts. Painting, drawing, sculpture, etc. Pictures? Not my thing. I’ve taken pictures, were in local galleries. Went back to painting and the like, that and music are my true arts.

HP's avatar

They are quite wonderful! NYC in the late 50s and perhaps early 60s. Anybody else recognize Kirk Douglas and (I think) Gina Lollobrigida?

Inspired_2write's avatar

A candid look at society during her time.
A very honest observation that is presereveed for history and offers insight for our youth to understand from where in time ther parents and or Grandparents came from.

jca2's avatar

The documentary is on my list of documentaries to watch. Now I’ll prioritize it.

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