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canidmajor's avatar

How are you faring if you’re in the path of this huge, awful, snow/ice juggernaut that is sweeping across the country?

Asked by canidmajor (21778points) February 3rd, 2022

Jellies, please check in and let us know you’re OK. It’s a monster, and it’s wreaking all sorts of havoc all over.

No need to say “I’m unaffected, I don’t live anywhere near it.”

Stay safe out there, guys, we get hit tomorrow and I’m doing some serious prep in case we lose power from the ice.

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28 Answers

LuckyGuy's avatar

It started snowing in the early morning and will continue all day. The ice that was supposed to be underneath all this never materialized so there were just a few accidents during the morning commute. No problem so far. The evening commute will be bad.
Almost all schools are closed.
Right now (noon) the snow is about 3 inches deep so it’s not worth starting up the snowblower. I’ll wait until it gets to be about 8 -10 inches then I’ll take care of business.
The snow plow has come by twice already. Unlike in the city, they rumble down the unobstructed road at 40–50 mph like a freight train throwing the snow piles several yards off the road . We love our plow guys!

chyna's avatar

It has not started here, yet. Noonish on Thursday.
We are supposed to be slammed by ice starting this evening. I can drive in snow, but I can’t drive in ice. So I’m probably going to call in a hazard day tomorrow at work.

KNOWITALL's avatar

We (Missouri) are about 6–8 inches of snow and still coming down hard. Thankfully most of the ice stayed south so no issues with power.
Lots of employers closed business for a few days, thankfully.
Hope you all do well, make sure to leave faucets dripping.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I lived in Dallas for a number of years not long ago and have many friends there. They are all reporting ice. There are power outages in Dallas and other areas of North Texas.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Stay safe people and it sounds like God doesn’t like the east coast.
Today where we are in BC we are having our last day below freezing and this coming week is all above freezing, looking forward to washing my truck.

SEKA's avatar

I’m visiting family in Alabama right now. We’re about 10 miles south of Birmingham and even further south of here in Hale County is having severe flooding from heavy rainfall. They are watching for tornadoes as well. Me and my family are doing just fine. It’s unlikely that we’ll get any of the snow or ice.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@SEKA Yikes. We heard there was a major tornado or something there earlier. Be safe!

snowberry's avatar

Everyone at our house stayed home. We made chili and cornbread, and my son-in-law from West Africa is starting learn how much fun a big snowstorm is. He hasn’t made a snowman yet, but he’s already had a proper snowball fight! He had a blast!

We cleared the cars and driveway twice, and it needs it again badly.

SEKA's avatar

@KNOWITALL At this point, we’ve had intermittent power outages but no really severe weather. The last I heard Hale County had a radar confirmed tornado with tons of flooding. One lady lost her life and 8 others were injured. We should know more after the sun rises in the morning. I’m feeling blessed that this storm didn’t track a little bit further north.

LuckyGuy's avatar

6;45 AM 18F, 24mph winds. It is still snowing and light snow is expect throughout the day. The wind is coming directly off the lake so lake effect snow will be in play.
I have drifts in my driveway that are 3 ft deep while there are spots with only about 8” They look like sand dunes. We never lost power. Darn it!

I’ll wait until after breakfast before I go out there.

jca2's avatar

Here in southern NY (about an hour north of NYC), it was 32 degrees when I woke up around 9 and now, 2 pm, it’s 28 degrees. I saw my neighbor walking up the grassy hill and he slipped and fell. It’s sleeting lightly . I think it’s a sheet of ice out there.

There was no school today. I was hoping to run out to the store but decided it’s a stay home day.

KNOWITALL's avatar

It’s a bright, sunny day in Missouri. 24 degrees and bblinding with 8 inches of snow and some big drifts. But it stopped.

canidmajor's avatar

@KNOWITALL I’m glad you escaped the big ice thing! So far here the temperature is dropping, and as soon as it hits 32° I am deploying my PetSafe IceMelt and clay cat litter combo onto the slick areas.


cookieman's avatar

Boston here.

Yesterday and last night was in the 40°s and raining. About half the snow from the last storm melted. Yaay.

Then, this morning, it started sleeting and temperature dropped below freezing. Twelve hours later it’s still sleeting and everything is covered in 3+ inches of hard ice. Booo.

chyna's avatar

Oh no @cookieman! I hope you and your family don’t have to go out. Stay warm!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@cookieman I hope you keep your power and you don’t have to drive anywhere.

cookieman's avatar

Hoping to just stay in this weekend. And yes, fingers crossed we keep power.

janbb's avatar

We just had a dusting of snow last night after it rained all day. And it’s very cold again.

janbb's avatar

^^ However, I just went out to my car to go to art class and it wouldn’t open. Totally iced in. I’m not going to class and I will go out again later and try again. I sprayed some de-icer in the lock but it still wouldn’t open. I’ll paint at home today; it’s really cold anyway.

jca2's avatar

WIth the temps being in the low 20’s today and same predicted for tomorrow, I’m wondering if I’ll be stuck in the house until Monday.

This coming week it’s supposed to warm up to the 40’s and 50’s.

janbb's avatar

^^ I’m wondering too.

janbb's avatar

Took three tries but the car is now out.

cookieman's avatar

While still very chilly, at least the sun is out today. Like the penguin, it took me a bit to get the cars de-iced and free, but we’re okay now. Kept power overnight — yay.

Now I’m just listening to Dinah Washington, hanging with the doggies. I do need to get to an acupuncture appointment later though.

KNOWITALL's avatar

It’s almost 40 here, sunny and clear. I goosed it out of my driveway after 3 days and re-stocked.
That ice is the worst, ya’ll be careful.

@canidmajor Still ok?

canidmajor's avatar

Sun is shining, very little ice overnight, the bullet was successfully dodged. It’s cold, but that’s OK, it’s February. ;-)

KRD's avatar

We got “some” snow and we are fine.

LuckyGuy's avatar

BC Comics by Johnny Hart nailed it today. BC Comics 2/8/22 :-)
We actually get more snow than Buffalo but we’re not as famous.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Maybe you should have chicken wings in hot sauce. ;>o)

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