Social Question

ragingloli's avatar

Does the invention of NFTs, and the attempt of corporations to force them on the population, indicate that a post-scarcity society is impossible for humans?

Asked by ragingloli (52313points) February 4th, 2022

NFTs are basically unique encrypted hyperlinks to an easily reproducible digital file on the internet.
Apart from the fact that people create NFTs for things that they have no actual rights to, and are right now used primarily as a giant pyramid scheme to allow a few speculators to extract money from idiots through monetised FOMO, the basic intent of NFTs is to artificially turn non-scarce resources, like digital files, into scarce resources for the sole purpose of maximising profits.
To me, this clearly indicates that Capitalism™ will never allow a post-scarcity economy to exist.
Even if someone invents a Star Trek replicator powered by zero point energy, that would allow anyone to create food, drink, clothing, tools, devices, etc. at will, for free, the capitalists will find a way to turn it into a highly rationed product to extract as much money out of the common citizenry as possible.

If you have 2 hours, here is a great video explaining the scammy nature of Crypto currencies and NFTs:

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12 Answers

rebbel's avatar

I’ll browse the video, and if it grabs me, I’ll watch it whole.

In the mean time:

NFT owners be like: “I don’t care that you are banging my wife, I am the only one officially in a relationship with her”

Edited to add: From what I already understand about the issue involving NFT’s, I can say that I’m fully agreeing with a commenter on above YouTube video:
I’m sick of people bashing the obvious utility of NFTS. The ease with which I can look at a person’s profile, see their involvement with NFTS, and then identify them as a blood sucking sociopath is revolutionary.

Also, the process with which acquiring NFT’s is involved is said to be disastrous for the environment.
If I’m right, it has to do with the energy that is needed to buy or sell these things.
Something to do with bandwidth, servers, videocards….

elbanditoroso's avatar

Tell me how they are being forced on anyone. Your premise is bogus.

ragingloli's avatar

I will give you some slack, because you do not follow game industry news, but the NFT craze is rampant there right now.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I haven’t watched the video, but from my understanding of NFTs, it initially was a way for artists who can’t easily get audience to make a living, but then it was hijacked by greedy corporates, trolls and people who see art more like an investment. That leads to lot of the absurdity we are seeing now. It’s really sad that an invention meant to help the unpopular is now turned into a popular contest.

My friend found a FB page advertising for a course about how to sell NFTs and get rich. They posted a video advertising their course. They began the video by showing what was essentially random scribbles on a phone, and claimed that they bought that piece of “art” for $100000. I can see how that could lead the uninformed into thinking they could sell anything with NFTs. My friend was seriously planning to save money for the course, and she knew nothing about NFTs.

janbb's avatar

“I’d gladly pay you Tuesday for a 1/100th share of a picture of a hamburger today!” It’s crap.

Zaku's avatar

It’s not that:
”... a post-scarcity society is impossible for humans”

It’s that some capitalists are deeply stuck in scarce-commodity-based mindsets and IP “ownership” (particularly, by corporations), and either don’t see alternatives that will increase or perpetuate their extreme wealth, and are afraid and unimaginative, so they are instead trying to enforce old notions of ownership, and/or they latch onto schemes / tech / laws that they hope can sustain artificial scarcity and ownership.

But I think it’s a losing battle, in the end, though it will no doubt continue to waste massive amounts of energy, effort, time, etc., and cause massive needless suffering, before needless scarcity for profit melts away.

rebbel's avatar

Here’s Cracked’s take on NFTs.
Just dropped this evening.

JLoon's avatar

Maybe – But maybe not.

Like most of the hype leaking from the money/tech/media/socio-political swamp, nothing is really clear at this point. Your alarm might be justified, but just for comparison here’s a slightly more positive view from (surprise) the porn industry – and you won’t need 2 hours, just listen to the short audio :

It makes me smile to think of “adult content” providers battling with corrupt “platform designers” over this stuff. But I take some of it seriously because I’ve been approached more than once to work with porn producers, and a few tech savvy friends have told me I should start minting NFTs from my straight modeling portfolio in order to get back more control of my image. I’m strictly small time so most of it all goes over my head, and my instinct is to protect myself by staying small.

I’ve actually met Masha Prusso though, and besides being sexy and funny I think she’s right about one thing: Individuality and personal identity are the final boundaries for everyone and everything. And those lines become more important as corporations, goverment, and media constantly attack our privacy and personal space.

I don’t think there will ever be any “post scarcity” in the market for true human values. Things become expensive and valuable when they’re rare. When it comes to the core of stuff inside each of us that we can be sure we really own, there may be less of it every day.

JLoon's avatar

@rebbel – LOL!!
The truth is always cracked ;)

rebbel's avatar

Love those skits with Roger, @JLoon :-)

YARNLADY's avatar

What? I never heard of them, so nothing forced on me here.

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