Why do you live where you do?
Asked by
February 4th, 2022
Is it where family is?
Is it for the job you do?
Is it where you were born, and couldn’t imagine living anywhere else?
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51 Answers
Because I finally broke away from an abusive relationship, family and city life.
I made my break around age 40+ years as it was time for me to see what other places were like, plus it offerred me a job out of the City and I have never regretted that decision!
I found that we as children we were thrown out side everyday unsupervised and near the outskirts of the City.
It was adverturous and unrestrictive, which living in a National Park System mirrors somewhat that smame feeling of freedom and fresh air.
It was nautral for me to end up here as I was accusstomed to it already on a smaller scale early in my childhood.
Family moved here for work when I was a teenager, then I went to college here and then I got a job here. I also like the area. I was certainly not born here and I’m not opposed to moving.
Rent is cheap. 280€ a month.
It’s where my family and friends are. Otherwise, I would love to live somewhere less urban.
I wasn’t good enough for Wyoming.
I was born here, never moved (outside of my home town).
The only time that I will move elsewhere is when I will go live together with my lovely girlfriend in Greece.
My son and kids are here.
When I moved from Wichita to Winfield. I thought I’d moved to a small town, pop 15,000.
Then we moved to this speck in the road!
I was born here. Generally love it here. Family and friends are here.
That said, given how bananas expensive it’s gotten around here, I would consider moving once the kid is out of college.
The weather was my primary reason. Midwestern Winters were brutal and the Summers were no picnic either. When 24, I attempted to cross an icy street mid blizzard. 10 yards in, the wind blew my skinny ass back to the curb. That did it. 36 hours later, I was on a Greyhound and the blizzard was still blowing.
I moved here, not far from where I grew up, to be closer to, and help aging parents.
My husband owned this house. I moved here from an apartment on the other coast. I became co-owner when we married.
Now I think a lot about going back.
Pretty much grew up here since my late teens, when dad retired from the military. Just stuck around the general area, got my fill of moving constantly when I was growing up. Lived in four different states and three different countries from K to 12. That’s enough roaming for me..I enjoyed it whole it lasted but now I’d be happy in a one horse nerf with nothing but a few houses, a gas station, and a community center. And of course the usual volunteer Fire Dept.
I was born here. I moved away to DC for roughly 18 years. When I noticed that my parent’s health was beginning to slip, I chose to move back in order to be available for their care when actually needed. My brother was willing to handle any or all their finances, but he was useless as a caregiver.
After returning & both my parents passing away, I’ve stayed mainly because I love the weather…most days!!! IF you count the current population of my town, we have less people than the apartment building that I lived in while living in Maryland or Virginia.That does have its advantages as everybody knows everybody so people are more willing to help when you truly need them!!! It’s not a perfect place, but it is much better than most other opportunities that I’ve considered. I couldn’t survive on my Soc Security in most of the larger cities & my house is paid off. One other benefit is that there’s a decent sized town roughly 45 minutes away, an even better one 1–½ hour away & a really big one approx 2 hours away. So, IF need be, I can get there & back in the same day & take care of most of my needs that aren’t available locally. It’s 3–4 hours to the beach & 1–3 hours to the mountains.
Does anybody else, reading these, wonder where’s “here”?
My “here” is San Jose. “Back there” is East Coast.
My here is in the mountains of B.C. in a small town,just a 3 hour drive to the coast.
My “here” is Central Texas, Austin area in general.
C’mon. Y’all know I’m from Boston.
“Here” is where I am. Not where you are.
Hereburg. Just outside Whoville.
If you need directions just ask anyone else in witness protection…during visiting hours.
My “here” is central Kansas.
My husband was transferred here by his company. They gave him a moving bonus and included paying moving charges, plus selling costs of our house and down payment on our current house. We have been here 30 years now. It feels like home.
I still miss being by the ocean, previous homes in Santa Barbara, San Diego, and Ventura.
I love the Pacific North West. Great quality of life. Many magnificent out of doors activities with fresh air and decreased human population. Mild winters. I love the cool free outside air conditioning with cloud cover that helps to protect the skin from the sun’s harmful rays.
I live in Glasgow on the west coast of Scotland. I wasn’t born here but moved with my job and started a family. I’m retired now but I wouldn’t live anywhere else.
I was from a small town and was leaving no matter what happened.
I’m from the west coast, but live on the east coast now.
@flutherother Is that where John Rebus lives/lived, or was that Edinburgh?
Rebus is an Edinburgh detective but the latest book is set in Glasgow.
With John Rebus still?
I thought Siobhan had taken over.
One of my favourite detectives, Rebus.
I was born here in SW Mo and adore almost everything about it.
That being said, leaving someday is always an option, my family lives all over.
His latest book isn’t a Rebus story but there are two more Rebus books in the pipeline.
Moved to the Bay Area for college. It felt more like home than where my parents had moved to. Ended up staying.
In theory, would be open to moving. But it checks all my boxes.
- near the ocean
– near a city
– good schools
– good weather
– good public transportation
– ethnic and socioeconomic diversity
– progressive politics
If you don’t mind my asking, where do your parents live?
Orange County, or am I thinking of someone else that you visited there?
@Brian1946 My parents moved to Orange County, when I was in high school. Though my sister is now living there too. Is that who you were thinking of?
Yes, I think I was thinking of your sister.
I’d say that not joining your parents there was a good “move” on your part, but it’s more like a good stay. :p
I can remember while in the process of abandoning the plains how peculiar it seems that people place so little importance to the vagaries of weather and environment in choosing where to settle. I can remember as a kid in Chicago thinking it notable that the severity of the Winters might be gauged through tally of the winos frozen overnight. While the Summers in Omaha rendered the asphalt in the streets the consistency of molasses.
I’m about an hour north of NYC and it’s a very safe area (my number 1 criteria for living anywhere) and very beautiful. It’s an area where people from the city and nearby the city will come visit on weekends during harvest season, to pick apples and visit farm stands. We’re in a great school system, really small and intimate (which is not always a good thing, small and intimate, but in this case it’s good). I live on a lake, which has an added charm. My neighbors are friendly and helpful if I need it, but mind their business otherwise. Good shopping is only minutes away. So number 1, safe. Beautiful, good schools, good shopping are added bonuses.
I moved to Madison, WI so my child would be accepted.
I had no idea this was the location that was meant for me. I never want to leave.
I wonder why people hide their heres on Fluther at this point. I don’t trust anyone who does.
You can find me on the isthmus. I have nothing to hide.
@Jonsblond For most of us, “here” is not hidden, it simply has been mentioned often enough on this site that there is little need to repeat.
Not trusting someone who doesn’t choose to divulge all on an anonymous public site seems a bit over the top.
I’m definitely not going to publicly divulge the details of my location, but LuckyGuy and I know that I’m trustworthy.
I haven’t revealed my address via PM either, but I would do that if a Flutheronion whom I trusted and wanted to meet, were to come to my house.
I expect that most people wouldn’t reveal the specifics of their residence for reasons of their personal safety. For me it’s not a matter of my trusting them; they have every right to disclose that info only to people whom they trust.
About the only people I categorically wouldn’t trust with my info, are anti-vaxxers, criminals, and fascists.
@Brian1946 “About the only people I categorically wouldn’t trust with my info, are anti-vaxxers, criminals, and fascists.”
Well damn, I was going to come visit you but I tick all those categories. :-)
I shoujld add that an important thing for anywhere i would consider living is the quality of health care in the area. Where I live, I can get to the city within about an hour and a half (downtown) or I can get to Yale within 45 minutes to an hour. Westchester County has great health care too, and has some satellites of Sloan Kettering and others from the city. I’m ten minutes from a great hospital in a CT city. I often think about how nice it would be to live in a really rural area but if there’s not good health care within a short distance, it’s a no-no for me.
You are such a bad piece of work @janbb and you didn’t even mention your lying.
All health care is good if you have insurance.
All health care is bad if you don’t.
I choose to live here, in the shadows of mountains. Where the snow lingers long past winter because the sun rarely kisses this area.
@Jonsblond I’ve been active on Fluther for coming up on 4 years & I bet I’ve said a million time “here in northern GA”. So on this Q, my “here” doesn’t reflect my need to hide; however, IF anybody really cares, they’d remember where “here” is & I wouldn’t need to repeat my location every time!!! Those that don’t care, don’t bother to notice when we don’t give a shout out to our location. On the other hand, do you realize how dangerous it could be to give out too much info to strangers???
One of my neighbors lived on FB constantly showing pics of her new house & ALL the wonderful furnishings she had purchased to make it into her home. She was constantly bragging about the extended vacations she’d be taking listing the day she’d be leaving & the day she’d return compete with approximate times of departure/return. She’d jump on FB to say she was going to a concert in a few minutes & wouldn’t be back until 3:00am or so. She’d brag about going out to dinner & exactly where she was going. Well, she went to one of her concerts & when she returned home, her house was almost empty because somebody had broken in & walked off with her stuff. Long story short…it was a guy that she had dated & dumped while in high school who had held a grudge for over 20 years & wanted to get back at her by taking something that she loved. He had been following her on FB in order to feel “near her” & she gave him the perfect blueprint to carry out his plan!!!
I also had an online friend who put her 4 children’s lives in danger talking about them too much on a “Mommy site”. She had a stalker who lived no where near her & yet he figured out where she lived & traveled there to be “close to her”. When he told her he wanted to be with her, she declined his offer & he threatened to kill all 4 of her children IF she didn’t see him. She contacted the local police & they set up a sting in order to get him off the streets.
I admire people who keep their personal life private when interacting with strangers online. I think it is their right to keep themselves safe!!! I also think that you “have the right” to publish as much info as you feel safe putting out there although I still feel that it is unwise.
I only said what I did because I think someone is playing us. I’ve never been wrong.
Do I care? Not really. I’m rarely here these days because my trust is gone and life has me busy.
@Jonsblond Who do you think is “playing” us that you “have never been wrong” about? Almost all of the people on this thread have been here a while, and are pretty open, even though they have not necessarily disclosed details of their location.
It was a series of adventures that brought me to Colorado (Denver area) in 1978. I knew I’d like to return someday, but it didn’t happen until 1996…and I’ve been here ever since.
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