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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What are some cute things that a nurse did to ease your stay at a hospital?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25061points) February 5th, 2022

I was in the hospital as a child and was scared of the iv needle and she told me that I can pretend that It was beef ribs or any food that I like.

It helped.

Also I told the doctor that my i.v. was delicious beef ribs and he checked the i.v. bag. Was so cute.

Humor welcome.

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11 Answers

chyna's avatar

Actually, it was my doctor. I was very sick in 2017 and was in the hospital and they couldn’t find out what was wrong with me. My doctor brought me a soft fuzzy blanket and a huge person sized pillow.

Dutchess_III's avatar

In 94 I wound up in emergency surgery. It happened to be on my birthday. A couple of nurses blew up surgical gloves with “Happy Birthday” written on them. I didn’t even tell them it was my birthday so it was a nice surprise.

janbb's avatar

Here’s your new baby!

elbanditoroso's avatar

Uh, no. Was hospitalized for 11 days in 2017. My memories are of being waked up from a deep, restful sleep every 4 hours so they could extract my blood and test it.

They did a great job and I have both legs today. But there was nothing funwith what the nurses did, whatsoever.

Dutchess_III's avatar

What happened to your legs @elbanditoroso?

elbanditoroso's avatar

Real, real bad staph infection with the MRSA antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Skin peeling off. all kinds of gross infectious goo. Some risk of losing the leg,

Let’s hear it for strong drugs! I’m well now.

Inspired_2write's avatar

When the first time I had a needle by a nurse at our school she had a small bell over us as we sat in a chair and while the other assistant rang that bell and we looked up , that was when she jabbed us with the needle.

The next time I told her never mind about the bell and I watched closely as she gave me the needle ( I was facinated about the process then).

I never bothered me again since I knew what was to come and that was important, rather than being hoodwinked.

It certainly was a bad way for them to gain any kind of trust with students at that time.

Better to know the truth then to be lied or fooled.

loonylune's avatar

That is so cute!
I don’t recall anything like that happening to me though, but not sure if it would have worked. As a child, I was deathly afraid of needles and once when I was around 9 years old, was hospitalized for a UTI. I remember screaming bloody murder when they tried to put the IV in and people had to hold me down and everything to get the damn thing in hahaha

SnipSnip's avatar

She made and brought to me her special feel-good drink which was orange juice mixed with Sprite. It was just what my postpartum self needed. She, along with the other sister-nurses, took very good care of me during my several hospitalizations in my home town.

kruger_d's avatar

My walls and mirror were decorated with butterfly decals for my birthday.

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