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ragingloli's avatar

Why was Luke Skywalker not given the last name of his adoptive parents?

Asked by ragingloli (52321points) February 6th, 2022

It was already dumb enough to settle on the same planet as his biological father, but to not change his last name borders on lobotomy.
Did they want him to be found eventually?

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4 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

They were from the old country – Mr and Mrs Skiwokerhovnitzov—and they wanted to Anglicize the name to make him more normative in his new environment.

Han Solo’s parents did the same thing. His real name was Hans Heinrich Soliveitsky.

filmfann's avatar

You think his name should be Luke Lars?

HP's avatar

He’s a fictional character in a made up yarn. I believe It was decided early on that Luke Skywalker would move a whole lot more merch than Anonymous Punk

filmfann's avatar

Fun fact: In his first draft, Luke’s last name was Starkiller.

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