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rebbel's avatar

I would like to know everything that there is to know about a certain Pete Davidson?

Asked by rebbel (35553points) February 7th, 2022

Over the last half year about, I’ve seen that name, and what I assume is his face, in many memes and other internet thingies.
The gist of most memes is about him being a love interest.
I’ve purposefully not looked him up, in all those months (months ago I already wanted to inquire your minds).

So, what’s up with Pete?
Could you guys and gals, together, paint a picture of the guy?
If you all chime in I’m sure I’ll have a complete image of him soon.

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43 Answers

Dutchess_III's avatar

He’s on SNL. He’s hilarious! Very dry humor. Usually self depreciating.

Demosthenes's avatar

He is a kind of doofy-looking comedian and actor who has dated a number of famously attractive celebrity women like Ariana Grande, Kate Beckinsdale, and Kim Kardashian, which leads some to speculate that he has (how can I put this delicately?) an enormous hog.

zenvelo's avatar

Davidson is a comedian and a Saturday Night Live (SNL) cast member. He is known for using his chidlhood on Staten Isalnd as the basis of his humor. He has also struggled with health issues, especially Crohn’s Disease.

His father was a FDNY firemna who perished in the collapse of the World Trade Center. Davidson was 7 yrs old when his father died.

He is heavily tattooed. Some might consider his humor an aquired taste.

He has been diagnosed with Borderline Persoanlity Disorder.

ragingloli's avatar

He gets killed in the opening scene in “The Suicide Squad”.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Demosthenes…I can assure you that the attraction women may have for him has nothing to do with the size of his “hog.”

Demosthenes's avatar

@Dutchess_III To me he’s potentially “cute in a little brother kind of way” and nothing more. I don’t find him attractive. But he obviously has something beyond conventional attractiveness that attracts these high profile celebrities. D:

Dutchess_III's avatar

Apparently. But it has nothing to do with the size of his dick.

ragingloli's avatar

His visual appeal to the misguided is on the same basis as pugs and chihuahuas: He looks like some weird homunculus, and just like optical illusions confuse the brain, so does his lovecraftian visage scramble the mind of some, making them think he is attractive, while in actuality he is closer to a biblically accurate angel

rebbel's avatar

Thanks Jellies.
So, a funny pug with a big dick.

Demosthenes's avatar

@rebbel This guy gets it. xD

KNOWITALL's avatar

He’s tatted head to toe and seems to not care what anyone thinks. Multiple stints in rehab that he doesn’t hide. Loves his mom, has mental health issues including PTSD.

JLoon's avatar

I have no inside sources for Pete Davidson details but I’m going with the enormous schlong theory.

I also agree he’s hilarious, so for both reasons he might be worth having lunch with.

chyna's avatar

@demosthenes I have it on good authority that women in general do not date based on size of hogs.

JLoon's avatar

@chyna – True!

But when you’re doing that kind of field research I think it’s important to collect all relevant data.

SEKA's avatar

Like many comedians, he’s had a very tragic life. His style of comedy is either one that you love or one that you hate. It’s not my cup of tea, but many do seem to be enraptured by him. He has good taste in beautiful women but I often worry about their sanity. I can only assume that they feel the need to save him from his own childish behavior. His track record seems to be that most women he dates can’t last more than a year

chyna's avatar

He also dated Cindy Crawford’s daughter.

SEKA's avatar

To each her own—schlong size never influenced my desire to be with a man. Love is blind

Dutchess_III's avatar

I dated a black guy ~10 years. I don’t know about other black guys but the stereotype was true in his case. He was the worst lover I ever had. I tried to educate him on female anatomy and he did not believe me. He completely dismissed what I tried to teach him.
Maybe Davidson knows what a clitoris is and what to do with it. That will keep women coming back!

Go look Davidson up on SNL on YouTube. He is funny. Look him up on Weekend Edition.

canidmajor's avatar

Well, @rebbel, there’s stuff you never knew that you needed to know about @Dutchess_III

SEKA's avatar

I still think love is as satisfying as sex and I don’t need to look him up to see how funny he is. He doesn’t make me laugh nor want to have sex with him. If he does to somebody else, they are more than welcome to enjoy what I’m missing

jca2's avatar

You can see him in the movie “King of Staten Island.”

He’s from Staten Island, and just purchased one of the old Staten Island ferries, with Colin Jost (from SNL), and they plan to make it into a party boat.

jca2's avatar

The mom in “King of Staten Island” is Marisa Tomei, and her boyfriend is BIll Burr. Bill Burr has some really funny (in my opinion) stand up specials on Netflix.

filmfann's avatar

He’s a man child. Heroine sheik. Heavily tattooed.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I love Marissa Tomei!

Forever_Free's avatar

So much information in this little post. Who would have thought !!

HP's avatar

I would bet that Davidson’s appeal to women is around the fact that he appears non threatening and comparatively docile. As such, he must be a refreshing break for driven ambitious women navigating the cutthroat vicious world which is the entertainment business. Entrenched in that world, it must be refreshing to date someone who isn’t out to capitalize on you as an opportunity.

jca2's avatar

What I think is endearing about Pete Davidson is that he’s irreverent and a little wacky in a fun way, @HP. My guess is that some people think he’s cute, too.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Good insight @HP!

Brian1946's avatar


“Good insight @HP!”

Why am I not surprised? ;)

HP's avatar

Because it’s true?

HP's avatar

@jca2 Cute? Pete Davidson—pretty boy? He IS definitely affable. And he’s right up front about coping with his wiring problems. I find him disarming. He’s the kinda guy everyone likes. I think women probably want to adopt him.

JLoon's avatar

So now we’re discussing the Pete Davidson mystique in terms of non-threatening affability, lost boychild appeal to female protective instincts, and genuine lack of pretense – totally discounting the Enormous Schlong Theory.

But then whips out a 277 ft ferryboat to play with. Coincidence??


jca2's avatar

@JLoon: “Is that a ferry in your pants or are you just happy to see me?” lol

HP's avatar

@JLoon So the entire cult boils down to Davidson’s “equipment”?

Dutchess_III's avatar

To some people it does. And that is so absurd.

JLoon's avatar

@HP – Are you denying this man owns a ferryboat?!

I’m shocked and outraged.

HP's avatar

That is one rather peculiar (and confusing) euphemism).

SEKA's avatar

What I read said that he and Colin Jost bought the boat as partners and they plan on turning it into a comedy club. Only time will tell

mazingerz88's avatar

I don’t get his popularity and appeal. I love SNL but I don’t find him funny, except in three Chad skits. I feel bad with what happened to his Dad. Chris Farley, he’s the one with real talent imo. Enormous talent.

HP's avatar

Is that a pun?

Dutchess_III's avatar

This is too much. I was just watching Pete on an old Weekend Update. He was doing a spiel on Hulk Hogan. Much of it revolved around the Hulks penis.
Pete said “Hulk was just mad because every one saw that his penis wasn’t 10 inches. It was only 7. Which is about 4 inches more than anyone needs.”
He then turned to Micheal Chi and said “Isn’t that right….oh nevermind. You wouldn’t know. What about you Colin?”
Colin just waved him off. It was really funny!

SEKA's avatar

Ran into this on Pete. Shows many of the women Pete has wooed. At the same time, none of them seemed to lasr very long.

LadyMarissa's avatar

@SEKA Pete’s relationships never seem to last any longer than 4 maybe 6 months. I guess that impish boy persona wears off quickly!!!

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