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raum's avatar

What are some of the most ridiculous disclaimers that you’ve seen?

Asked by raum (13672points) February 7th, 2022 from iPhone

Was chatting with @SEKA about the disclaimer on microwave popcorn. And it made me wonder what other silly disclaimers you’ve read?

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40 Answers

flutherother's avatar

Frank Zappa stuck this warning/guarantee on one of his records released in 1985:


This guarantee is as real as the threats of the video fundamentalists who use attacks on rock music in their attempt to transform America into a nation of check-mailing nincompoops (in the name of Jesus Christ). If there is a hell, its fires wait for them, not us.

janbb's avatar

My favorite was a correction in the front of a book on sky diving:

“On page 24, instead of “State zip code” it should read “Pull ripcord”!

Another was on washing instructions in the seam of a garment:

“For best results, wash in cool water and dry on low setting. For not so good results, tie to the back bumper of your car and drag through mud puddles.”

raum's avatar

@flutherother I appreciate that it’s both a warning and a guarantee.

raum's avatar

@janbb Ha! What kind of garment was it?

janbb's avatar

^^ I don’t remember. I might have even read it somewhere rather than actually have seen it.

Dutchess_III's avatar

On a baby pool “No Diving.”

Forever_Free's avatar

Label on dress shirts that state to not iron while wearing the article of clothing.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I have a feeling those disclaimers are brought about by real life idiots.

Chestnut's avatar

May Contain Nuts on a jar of nuts.

Demosthenes's avatar

I always find it kind of funny the things that get labeled “Gluten-Free”. Like, seeing “Gluten-Free” on a bag of spinach; really, I thought there was wheat gluten in all leafy green vegetables…

ragingloli's avatar

“may contain traces of nuts”.
On a package of nuts.

kruger_d's avatar

Bottled water contains less than 0% fat.

janbb's avatar

Ooh – I got one. It was not to use the vacuum cleaner when naked. I feel there’s definitely a story behind that one!

chyna's avatar

^ That’s very disturbing, in a funny kind of way.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Bag of salad – - -Gluten Free !

smudges's avatar

On a hair dryer or curling iron: “Do not use while submerged”

LadyMarissa's avatar

BEWARE: Coffee may be hot!!!

Yes, I know why this was added & it goes to show that we often have to protect people from themselves.

ragingloli's avatar

Contrary to popular mythology, that case was actually quite serious:

Forever_Free's avatar

@LadyMarissa That McDonalds coffee lawsuit is quite interesting and has taken on a life of its own. The elderly woman only wanted her medical bills paid ($20K) and McDonalds balked at it. The judge set a precedent and warning to big firms that spiraled into all ths.

kritiper's avatar

Signs on sidewalks where the sidewalk ends in a fence or ditch, and the sign says “END OF SIDEWALK.”

LadyMarissa's avatar

I said NOTHING about the seriousness of the injuries nor the merits of the case. IF you go to the original discussion @SEKA had commented that the disclaimers are to cover the corporate ass of the seller. As a matter of fact, she mentioned not to sleep with a running hairdryer & to not feed your fingers to the animals. I don’t know IF it’s just a Southern thing; but we have a lot of petting zoos in my part of the south & they ALL have signs posted every 5 feet or so reading “Don’t feed fingers to the animals.” I hear tourists laughing at the signs & then watch them cup their hand as they pour the pet food into the palm of their hand thereby leaving ALL their fingers exposed to the teeth of the animal when they reach in to eat the food. Invariably a finger is at risk!!!

IF you look at the disclaimer on a space heater, it warns of the possibility of a fire while using the heater. Once again corporations are warning you to use some common sense while covering their legal liability to the consumer!!!

Forever_Free's avatar

“Let’s kill all the lawyers”

tinyfaery's avatar

“Not a food product” on my corn-based cat litter.

chyna's avatar

On Tampax brand website: “Tampons do not take your virginity. The first time you have sex will still be the first time you have sex.”

janbb's avatar

@chyna I don’t see that as an invalid disclaimer. A number of young women have believed that.

chyna's avatar

Ah! True! It is NOT invalid. However, it is funny!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Were we just smarter as kids?

janbb's avatar

This isn’t a disclaimer but I just read it on a menu and think it’s pretty funny:

“Tea by Art of Tea

Please ask your server to see our selection!”

Dutchess_III's avatar

Since we’re off track, my husband brought a box of Jiffy corn bread mix to me. It was labeled “Vegetarian corn bread mix.” I just burst out laughing.

Brian1946's avatar


I bet that cornbread would go great with some vegan water! :p

janbb's avatar

@Brian1946 Make that “Gluten free vegan water”!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Sliced ham + + + “Gluten Free”

Brian1946's avatar


Yes, it’s so much better than what one gets from squeezin’ a cheeseburger!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Candy that says “gluten free.” They think we’re idiots. Maybe we are.

raum's avatar

@Dutchess_III There’s actually gluten in a bunch of candy. :/

Mambas, Reese’s peanut butter holiday shapes, some gummy bears…

Brian1946's avatar

I’ve heard that mayo counteracts most of the gluten in candy. :p

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

Lately I have been noticing warnings on cups of MackyDs “Senior” coffees: Warning, contents extremely hot! Well no shit Sherlock! If I wanted ice coffee I’d be at Starbucks.

Brian1946's avatar


NOT a serious assertion, which is why I ended my quip with a :p

It was a concoction based on @raum‘s “love” of mayo.

raum's avatar

Ha! Mayo solves all.~

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