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MakeItSo1701's avatar

What do I do with this small bottle of bourbon (375 mL)

Asked by MakeItSo1701 (13876points) February 7th, 2022

Never had bourbon, I don’t mind whiskey mixes though. Like whiskey and coke, whiskey and honey with lemonade, or the Tennessee Apple with lemon lime soda are what I usually like.

Never had whiskey or bourbon straight.

My plan is to just pour a tiny amount in a shot glass and sip it.

Do I mix it? Drink with ice?

Google gave me answers, but what do you feel is best for a person new to bourbon? An elaborate cocktail is probably not something I can do.

I did find a recipe that has herbal tea, lemon and honey with the bourbon. I might try that.

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19 Answers

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Because I am sure it matters, it was a cheap bottle of Jim Beam.

gorillapaws's avatar

Good bourbon should be sipped maybe with ice. Jim Beam? I’ll mix it with ice and Diet Coke. Bourbon is basically a “smokey” version of whiskey. It’s aged in charred barrels.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I tried it plain. It wasn’t as bad as everyone told me, I don’t mind it.

I mixed with some lemon juice, that was a lot better. Too much lemon juice, but still a bit better flavor wise.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Bourbon should be served neat at room temperature.

HP's avatar

In view of what you have told us here on numerous occasions, I find it unsettling that you might embrace things guaranteed to impair your judgement.

Forever_Free's avatar

Depends on the brand if you just want it for sipping straight up. Jim Beam is pretty smooth for that.
There are many food recipes that call for Bourbon as well. A few I have made:
Chocolate Bourbon Cake
Bourbon Steak Sauce
Bourbon Meatballs
Hot Chocolate with a splash
Maple Bourbon glazed beans
Glaze for Ham
Kentucky Lemonade
Many Chicken recepies
Many breads and pies

Lightlyseared's avatar

2 parts bourbon 1 part sweet vermouth a couple of dashes of angoustura bitters. Stir in a glass with ice and then pop a cherry in it.
(If you want to be posh you could pour it into a martini glass)

Lightlyseared's avatar

@Blackwater_Park It depends on the bourbon, theres some gut rout out there that really benefits from being chilled and mixed with something

Blackwater_Park's avatar

@Lightlyseared I know, it’s not worth drinking either when there is cheap bourbon that’s actually good.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

@HP Yeah I embrace it, it tastes good.

@all good suggestions Hot chocolate sounds good with it.

HP's avatar

You go girl.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

There are some great recipes that include bourbon, both sweet and savory. Here’s just one collection:

Caravanfan's avatar

I would only drink Jim Beam in a mixed drink. Good bourbon I have with a bit of ice. My favorite bourbon drink is an Old Fashoned.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Whiskey is tasty in small sips. If you want to enjoy it (as opposed to ingesting alcohol as fast as possible) I recommend pouring it over ice cubes, and the bigger the better (big ice melts slower). I bought some big square ice cube trays for bourbon-drinking recently. Highly recommended.

FragileLayers's avatar

Being a Kentucky girl, bourbon is my thing! I like it with ice and with a larger rimmed glass in lieu of tulip glasses. This broadens the array of tastes entering your mouth and onto your tongue. Breathe in, pour it in, let it sit for a few seconds and then swallow. Breathe out. Breathing in will activate the alcohol and you will get more burn. For a smoother experience, follow the aforementioned instructions. Enjoy.

JLeslie's avatar

I don’t drink alcohol usually, but mostly I think of bourbon either served neat or on the rocks.

You might like a hot toddy if you like the lemon.

Other popular drinks from the day are a Manhattan and Old Fashioned, I don’t know how often they are served now? I see at least one jelly mentioned an Old Fashioned.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I loved it with the Hot Chocolate. Very yummy.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Other popular drinks from the day are a Manhattan and Old Fashioned, I don’t know how often they are served now?

Old fashioneds are popular now.

It’s weird to me because when I was a waiter in the 1980s, old fashioneds were, well, old-fashioned. It was a drink for people who weren’t sophisticated enough for a manhattan or martini.

JLeslie's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay I never was one to drink alcohol, but I was a teenager in the 80’s and around alcohol a lot, and my boyfriend worked in restaurants so I knew a little about mixed drinks. Present day, my friends who do drink tend to drink wine or beer. About ten or fifteen years ago I knew more martini drinkers.

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