Social Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

It turns out that Donald Trump took all sorts of classified data to Mar A Lago with him when he left office - exactly what he and his cronies accused Hillary Clinton of doing. Are republicans being hypocritical not calling Trump out with the same vehemence they did Hillary?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33704points) February 10th, 2022

One of many articles

I’m trying to understand how the republicans could be so enraged about what they accused Hillary Clinton of doing, but so silent when a republican does it.

Have the laws changed? Or does that not matter when its a white male?

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53 Answers

cookieman's avatar

Um, yes. Isn’t hypocrisy a prerequisite for being in politics?

KRD's avatar

Hillary is not a good person.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

. . and Trump erased incriminating things from January 6th 2021 !

No surprise !

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

And this is surprising? The Repubs of today are so hypocritical it defies logic. For my money they can shut the fuck up about Hillary. But by the same token I think the Dems are either king size wussies or else, as Jesse Ventura has said for years, it’s all a dog and pony show for public consumption because both parties are on the same page. Why the hell else would Dems allow this bullshit to continue for years and not fight back? “Aww shuckins folks, let’s not offend the poor little far right Repubs by calling them out on their stinking heaping steaming pile of bull shit. Let’s tell them to play nice and please don’t be mean to us anymore”. You can think or say whatever the hell you want, but I think at times that Ventura is on the right track. They are all on the same page. We think we have a real choice. We don’t. How else do you explain the apathy of some Dems to this shit? Beto O’Rourke and Bernie Sanders are the only ones we have who have any kahunas.

elbanditoroso's avatar

did you mean ‘cojones’?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Lock him up, Lock him up, lock him up.
Has a nice ring to it.

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

@elbanditoroso Yeah, cojones lol. @SQUEEKY2 Sure does! Don’t forget to throw away the key!

filmfann's avatar

Hypocrisy is the Republican work craft.
The top secret materials are just one example. There is currently a group of Canadian truckers who are blocking traffic from Canada to the US. The GOP are loudly supporting them. That’s the same GOP who tried to pass laws allowing drivers to run over protesters blocking the roads. The difference? They were Black Lives Matter supporters.

JLeslie's avatar

Of course it’s hypocritical.

I think Trump did way worse than Hillary on this front. As far as I know she wasn’t trying to hide communications, but I guess she used personal email and server rather than government email, was that the problem?

Anyway, if they both, Hillary and Trump, did similar acts (again I do not see these things as the same) then are the Democrats who excuse Hillary and hold Trump accountable hypocrites? If Trump had done exactly what Hillary did or vice versa is the reaction the same from their supporters?

Regarding cojones, Ana Navarro said something like RNC Republicans with No Cojones on The View the other other day. lol. She meant the politicians who continue to support the lies for their own political gain.

flutherother's avatar

I longed to see Trump handcuffed and led across the White House lawn by FBI agents. But I’ll settle for handcuffs at Mar-a-Lago.

chyna's avatar

@KRD Really? That is your answer to this question? “Hillary is not a good person “?
This question is about trump stealing records.
To answer the question, I think he should be prosecuted and locked up.

seawulf575's avatar

Absolutely. If he did, in fact, take classified materials and put them somewhere that was improper, there are laws and penalties for that. But let me reverse the question for a moment. Isn’t the left being hypocritical for pushing on this? After all, they made all sorts of excuses for Hillary and some of her classified material ended up on Anthony Weiner’s laptop. Talk about loss of control!

So please, why don’t all you that supported Hillary and are currently trying to bury Trump come out and admit to the hypocrisy.

chyna's avatar

@seawulf575 The REAL hypocrisy here is that trump acted SHOCKED and aggrieved (Shocked I tell you!) over what Hillary supposedly did and wanted her locked up, yet went on to do the same things.
No one should be above the law.

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

Bernie 2024. Feel the Bern! Even Ventura digs him!

janbb's avatar

^^ Bernie, like Biden will be way too old to run again in 2024. We need someone younger and dynamic.

Forever_Free's avatar

I don’t think this it as much about hypocrisy as it is about character.
Those with character (no matter what party) understand what this is all about.

jca2's avatar

Also hypocritical, Hilary getting tarred and feathered for using her personal cell phone for “official” business yet the Trump family (sons, SIL and Ivanka) were photographed doing the exact same thing.

kritiper's avatar

HECK yes!

janbb's avatar

@kritiper I don’t have a candidate in mind unfortunately. Hoping someone will emerge – and that Biden will not run again.

Dutchess_III's avatar

If you look up the definition of critical it says “Republicans.”

Dutchess_III's avatar

There is enough solid evidence (versus hysterical rumors) on trump to lock him up 100 times over. My question is why the hell is he still walking free?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Because he is a rich republican @Dutchess_III , and the rules are different for rich people.

Dutchess_III's avatar

But Epstien was filthy rich too.

SEKA's avatar

@KRD Hillary is not a good person.

You are correct. Hillary is a horrible person.
Having said that, be honest, trump is a worse person

Dutchess_III's avatar

Hillary is a fine person. Smart. She’d have made a much better president than trump.
He’ll, my dog would have made a better president than trump.

jca2's avatar

Cato for President!

SEKA's avatar

@Dutchess_III trump keeps everything tied up in litigation to wear everybody down. Eventually it becomes too expensive to get him or somebody gets promoted or retires and the passion leaves with the person leaving

Dutchess_III's avatar

I think they’ll get him sooner or later.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

He has to “keep the eye on the ball” for several states and the Federal government.

seawulf575's avatar

@chyna To quote Hillary “What Difference At This Point Does It Matter?” This is what I am talking about. You (and the rest) have yet to actually agree that Hillary did wrong and should have been prosecuted. There is a lot of deflection and condemnation of Trump, yet none of you can actually agree that Hillary did the exact same thing Trump is being accused of. Worse, in fact, since she purposely destroyed evidence in the form of servers and hard drives. She decided (not a legal person) what was and wasn’t important for others to see. And you all backed her, trying to play it off as just partisan smear tactics. Well, I guess then we can agree that everyone slamming Trump is just using partisan smear tactics. After all, when Hillary did it, it was okay. So now that you believe Trump lost control of classified materials, it should be okay as well. OR, you can agree with me that what Hillary did was criminal and she should be punished for it. As should Trump, if it is proven he did what is being claimed.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

There are many minutes of Trump’s phone calls missing from January 6, 2021 !

I wonder what incriminating things are missing ?

~ ~ ~ “Kill Pelosi and get Pence too ! ”~ ~ ~

SEKA's avatar

He used his personal cell so there would be no record

LostInParadise's avatar

Let’s compare the cases against Clinton and Trump.
Clinton used unsecured servers to send classified information.
Trump stole papers and took them to Florida. There are now stories of torn documents and even of flushing documents down the toilet. Clinton was pardoned. Don’t expect the same for Trump. This is all of course in addition to the charges of fraud regarding his tax returns.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@LostInParadise You missed bank fraud by over valuing his properties for loans !

seawulf575's avatar

@LostInParadise Let’s compare the cases against Clinton and Trump. Let’s start with Trump. There is a claim he took papers to Mar-a-Lago as well as stories of tearing up papers and flushing them. Where is the proof? What was on the papers? Right now, as far as I can tell it is all hearsay, just like every other claim against him. It is speculation and conjecture. BUT, let’s say there actually was proof he took papers. Did they have classified materials on them? Was there a subpoena served on him for all papers and other communications concerning anything in particular? If not, it could have been his first effort at a memoir that he was tossing out.

Now let’s look at Hillary. Hillary was charged with using an unauthorized server. Why was this important? Because it violates the rules of proper control of classified materials. She is entirely allowed to use her own private server if all she did was send personal emails and did no business on it. That was not the case. When she was subpoenaed for her emails, she destroyed 30,000+ because she said no one needed to see them, they were all of a personal nature. Eventually she turned over SOME of the remaining emails but refused to turn over the servers, only allowing her own private civilian company to do anything with them and then they destroyed them…on her orders. So she has already ostensibly destroyed evidence. As @Tropical_Willie might say, “I wonder what incriminating things are missing?”. But going on, the emails the investigators DID get had tons of classified materials on them ranking from classified to top secret. And these had been sent over a non-secured server to non-secured people. Some of these were found on Anthony Weiner’s laptop. So now she has lost control of these classified materials. There is a statute that talks specifically about this. She was in direct violation of this statute. The FBI, who we know was working with her to overthrow Trump, created a new addition…the intent clause is what I call it. She didn’t Mean to release those materials so it wasn’t done with malice and therefore isn’t punishable under the law. But if you look at (f) under this statute, it specifically states that gross negligence is not an excuse. And it specifically states she should have been fined or imprisoned or both. For each count and there were thousands.

Now I will give you the point that Hillary was investigated, but even when she was guilty, she was not prosecuted. So given her example, shouldn’t Trump be able to do whatever he wants with documents and then just say he didn’t mean to? The law has been bent to that application so it should apply equally across the board, shouldn’t it?

chyna's avatar

Do you really think anyone is going to read that wall of words?

filmfann's avatar

@LostInParadise Clinton didn’t receive a pardon.

LostInParadise's avatar

Then why was she not tried in court?

LostInParadise's avatar

@seawulf575 , Don’t you see the difference? Clinton did not gain by using a non-secured server. She made a mistake. She did not hide information. She accidentally made information available.

Trump is hiding information to cover up what he did as president. There is a serious problem here.

SEKA's avatar

Ivanka and Jared used a non-secure server in their home to do the same

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Tampering with evidence is what Trump did.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Clinton was an oversight and not with intent

seawulf575's avatar

@LostInParadise You are just making the point I made earlier on. If Trump did it, he should be punished. But I find it interesting that NONE of you can say Hillary should have been punished.

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie What was on the papers he supposedly took?

And Hillary was not an oversight. She was told up front she was supposed to use a government server and why she was supposed to. She PURPOSELY avoided doing that. You are really good at suppositions…Why would she do that unless she had something to hide?

seawulf575's avatar

@SEKA And your evidence they transmitted classified materials?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

In your opinion @seawulf575 . . . .

No futher comment!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

“I’m out!*

kritiper's avatar

@seawulf575 To assume guilt before proof is presented is un-American. Assume innocence until guilt is proven, like a good American!

SEKA's avatar

Considering Monday’s FBI visit, I’d say yes and nothing has changed. The same nut jobs are still defending him

Dutchess_III's avatar

Of course they are but the liberals are being the adults, as usual, and not screaming about it.

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