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elbanditoroso's avatar

Has there been any quantitative, non-anecdotal Scrabble research done?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33701points) February 10th, 2022

I’m wondering about likelihoods of winning with the following situations:

1) What percentage of players win when they put down a 7-letter Bingo? Does it matter if the bingo is early or late in the game?

2) Does passing a turn improve or worsen the likelihood of winning?

3) Do players who have a preponderance of consonants tend to win more than those who have more vowels?

4) Percentage wise – do you stand a better chance of winning if the first word is placed horizontally or vertically?

And so on.

Does that sort of research exist?

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2 Answers

JLoon's avatar

Thinking of turning pro?

Because it’s a game based on the finite structure of the alphabet, it’s possible to calculate some outcomes based on probabilities.

Check out details here :

JLeslie's avatar

I’ll be following this Q. I used to be very good at scrabble. If I remember correctly, the way the board is set up it wouldn’t matter starting horizontally or vertically, but might matter how you place the letters, meaning whether it’s a consonant or vowel left open for the next player to use a double score, etc.

I wonder how the dynamics change from two players to three or four with your questions.

That’s all I’ve got regarding opinions on the matter, I’m interested in the data too.

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