Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

What would you say if this happened to you in an elevator?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29377points) February 12th, 2022 from iPhone

You farted and it was loud and prolonged. And about five people clearly knew it was you.

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18 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Sorry I have I.B.S.

rebbel's avatar

Don’t worry, only aerosols from the mouth are infectious.
Plus, as a precaution, I wear masks around all my exits.

gondwanalon's avatar

I’m old. I have gas. Deal with it.

flutherother's avatar

You will already have said all that is necessary.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Easy – point to the youngest person and say “It was him”.

cookieman's avatar

I would say nothing for a few seconds and then, very quietly, say, “Beans”.

filmfann's avatar

A co-worker used to say “Breathe through your mouth. They taste better than they smell!”

kritiper's avatar

“Nothing to worry about, folks. The noisy ones don’t stink.”

Chestnut's avatar

Nothing. Everybody farts, nothing to be ashamed of.

JLoon's avatar

“OOOOKLAHOMA! Where the wind comes sweepin’ down the plains,
And the wavin’ wheat can sure smell sweet,
When the wind comes right behind the rain!!”

Lets dance now.

Dutchess_III's avatar

“That wasn’t me.”

Brian1946's avatar

“I bet you anti-maskers are sorry now!”

Jeruba's avatar

I’m pretty sure I’d hit the button for the next floor and get out, stating “Excuse me” just before I vacated. Then I’d stalk out with as haughty a manner as possible.

Please let’s be on a hypothetical elevator that isn’t carrying my boss.

gondwanalon's avatar

I didn’t hear anything.

smudges's avatar

I’d look down at my feet, shuffle them a bit and say, “Damn new shoes!”

SnipSnip's avatar

If you must speak, simply say excuse me.

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