General Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

If you are posessed by a demon, do you know you are posessed?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33771points) February 12th, 2022

Or is subconscious and you have no knowledge or recollection of it?

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22 Answers

canidmajor's avatar

What kind of demon? Metaphorical (addiction, crippling self-doubt, obsession) or a totally outside-of-self (assuming, for the sake of this Q, that such a thing exists) demon, a citizen of Demonistan on holiday in your person?

rebbel's avatar

Your egoic mind might tell you that you are occupied by a demon.
But your self ‘knows’ that it ain’t so.
You(r self is) (are) pure love.

kritiper's avatar

No, you would not know. Ask a crazy person if they are crazy and they will answer “No.”

Zaku's avatar

Generally not, unless you have experience with such things, or you consult someone who can distinguish such things and lets you know, or if they reveal it to you.

LostInParadise's avatar

Where is the you who has been possessed by a demon?

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

The National Inquirer had a cover page 30 years ago bout this very same happening.

All that I can remember is the person is attracted to heat, and dislike cold.

People would notice if you do evil things, and would tell you (hopefully).

ragingloli's avatar

Since demonic possession is entirely fictional, the answer is yes, and no.
It can be whatever the story wants it to be.
For example, the hosts of the Goa’uld definitely know that their body is taken hostage by an evil water snake.
In the same franchise, there also was an episode, where a town was infected by immature Goa’uld, who could only take control when the host was asleep, so in that case, the hosts didn’t know.

Jeruba's avatar

How about it you think you’re possessed by a demon, but you aren’t? Or you aren’t, but somebody else thinks you are? Does being persuaded by others that here is a demon in you count?

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janbb's avatar

In Jewish lore, there is a demon called a dybbuk that takes possession of people. In the plays and stories, the possessed person’s voice and actions are changed so the people around them know it is a dybbuk but the person themselves is unaware.

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flutherother's avatar

If you are not possessed by a demon, how do you know you are not?

raum's avatar

Depends on the demon canon.

Brian1946's avatar

When I see myself involuntarily weaponizing guacamole, even though I haven’t had Mexican food since last year! ;-o

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well if your head spins in a 360 and you vomit split pea soup when you haven’t eaten split pea soup, but only a PB&J, then you know you’re possessed.

raum's avatar

@Dutchess_III How do you rule out that you’re not a zombie with some GI issues?

Dutchess_III's avatar

^^^ Well because there was a film crew in the room with the priest and the girl.

Zaku's avatar

Doesn’t that girl not remember having done any of those things, though?

KRD's avatar

No. Watch this You can see one of them wondering whats going on with them.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No @Zaku. Could you remember stuff that happened when your head was on backwards?

Ikara's avatar

Go into a church on a sunday when they are singing hymns, if your body starts convulsing with horrible pain, then you are possessed.

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