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elbanditoroso's avatar

Should you be afraid of the Gazpacho Police?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33716points) February 13th, 2022

Or this yet another example of a stupid Republican Q-Anon member being even stupider than usual?

read article

There are many other new reports on this, on a national scale:

and another

So we have more to worry about from cold soup or from Nazis?

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20 Answers

rebbel's avatar

I’m much more afraid of the ZZ.

filmfann's avatar

“I join her in her fight against both the Gazpacho police and their collaborationist allies in the Vichyssoise,” said lawyer Akiva Cohen.

I just love the grace of that comment.

janbb's avatar

We should all be Souper afraid!

LadyMarissa's avatar

Sadly she considers herself as one of their best & brightest!!!

janbb's avatar

@LadyMarissa And even more sadly, she probably is!

ragingloli's avatar

It sounds like her favourite dish is veget-arian Nazi Goreng.

rockfan's avatar

The term “Gazpacho Police” automatically reminded me of this funny scene from The Simpsons

filmfann's avatar

To her credit, MTG tweeted “No soup for those who illegally spy on Members of Congress, but they will be thrown in the goulash.”

Somehow, I don’t think her visit to the Holocaust Museum was entirely effective.

filmfann's avatar

How is the question in General?

ragingloli's avatar

I bet the museum had to wipe the floors after her visit, because she was dripping all over the place.

chyna's avatar

She did blame a Jewish space laser for the California wildfires, so she seems to have the Jewish people on her mind a lot.

LadyMarissa's avatar

@filmfann Her visit to the Holocaust Museum was much like her stint in the House…extremely ineffective!!!

flutherother's avatar

When she’s finished with the Gazpacho Police she can start on the Reichspudding.

janbb's avatar

She should be afraid of being kartoffelled by the Gazpacho!

rebbel's avatar

I am not very familiar with their kind of humor, so this could be a total miss, but what was said could that have been uttered by Gazpacho Marx?

janbb's avatar

@rebbel That was a pretty chico remark. Don’t harpo on it.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Anybody can misspeak. Shall I provide examples?

After soup is the main course. What are we having today, chef?

RocketGuy's avatar

Next, she’ll be campaigning against CRT (Critical Rice Theory) and Shakira Law.

gorillapaws's avatar

We should all be afraid of the Gazpacho police. Cold soup is a crime against humanity, and anyone forcing us to ingest it is a fascist monster.

Strauss's avatar

The Gazpacho Gestapo Kerfuffle!

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