General Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

If Russia invades Ukraine, would it be a good and timely moment for various Middle Eastern countries to invade Iran and get rid of the ayatollahs?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33700points) February 13th, 2022

There are a bunch of countries in the Middle East – Israel, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Jordan, UAE, Egypt, etc. – that would like Iran’s leaders to disappear.

While the world is looking at Russia and its Ukraine adventure, why not have a bunch of allies dump in Iranian regime? Taking advantage of Russia’s concentration in Ukraine.

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8 Answers

JLoon's avatar

There’s no good time for another stupid war – In the Mid East or in Europe.

Caravanfan's avatar

LOL. No. That would be a terrible idea. Never start a land war in Asia.

janbb's avatar

@Caravanfan That would be, “Inconceivable!”

HP's avatar

There’s no one left to oppose Iran, which is the actual winner in our 20 plus years of wars in Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, etc. 25 years of rolling nonstop catastrophe. We have paid untold trillions of dollars to destabilize the region through elimination of the 2 powers capable of holding Iran in check.
We have now abandoned the place leaving Iran alone to dominate the region

ragingloli's avatar

It would definitely be a good time for Pooh-Bear to invade Taiwan.

flutherother's avatar

While the police are preoccupied dealing with that fire at the bottom of the street would be a good time to get a few of the guys together to beat up the neighbour. No one likes him and he had it coming to him.

Poseidon's avatar

If Russia does invade the Ukraine then Russia would be crippled with world wide sanction and there is a very real possibility that the invasion and sanctions could lea to a war with NATO and its allies which could very easily turn into a nuclear holocaust so a war in the Middle East would be a drop in the sea.

Putin is not Khrushchev. Khrushchev backed down over the Cuban missile crisis because he knew that Kennedy was not bluffing.

However, Putin does not care if he is responsible for a world war which has the potential to destroy life as we know it.

I was around during the Cuban missile crisis and that was extremely frightening but the situation we are in at the moment is worse.

Forever_Free's avatar

Only time will tell. History shows that these things always will occur.

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