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raum's avatar

What’s a small regret that you have?

Asked by raum (13670points) February 14th, 2022 from iPhone

We often talk about regrets in life. Usually big ones that have an actual impact on something.

But what’s a small regret that you have?

One time I saw this lady jogging while carrying her cat. She was also wearing one of those matching pink velour suits from Victoria’s Secret.

It was a spectacle to behold. And I still regret not getting a picture of it.

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17 Answers

FragileLayers's avatar

I regret not doing more as a parent. Not taking enough pictures. Not taking enough video. Dammit.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Ordering a pizza from Boston Pizza. They didn’t put sauce on it. You would think that with the word pizza in the name of the store that they would make good pizza.

janbb's avatar

Having to rehome my rescue dog Frodo because he was a biter.

Forever_Free's avatar

Not visiting my parents the summer before my father passed away.

Blackberry's avatar

I would have tried to make it in life without joining the military immediately after high school.
I’m thankful for the experience, but it wasn’t my choice. I did it because at the time I felt I had no other options.

Forever_Free's avatar

@FragileLayers tough indeed. I think about it way too much.

Brian1946's avatar

It was October, 1962.
I had been going to Van Nuys High school for about a month.

My brother and our neighbor, Gary Black were chasing a squirrel.
I yelled, “Hey, leave that squirrel alone!”.

They stopped chasing it.
GBla turned to me and said, “You think you’re a big shot, just because you’re in 10th grade!”.

His comment took me aback, so I didn’t think of anything to say except something like, “Oh Yeah?”

So now it’s only taken me about 60 years to think of a retort.
I shoulda said, “So you think chasing a tiny, terrified animal makes YOU a big shot?! Yeah, you’re a REAL Profile in Courage. ~”,

The regret is majorly tiny, because the squirrel got away. :)

raum's avatar

Not making my friends eat grass. :P

canidmajor's avatar

Like you, @raum, it was a photograph not taken probably 20 years ago. The sea, and sea grass on a dune, through an old, peeling, wooden window with a slight breeze blowing an old, yellowed, cotton eyelet curtain.

janbb's avatar

@canidmajor Sounds like a Wyeth painting!

canidmajor's avatar

@janbb That was feeling I got from the scene, I still am sorryI didn’t have a camera to hand.

raum's avatar

Not seeing LuckyGuy dancing a jig on the Bart station platform.

Jeruba's avatar

@raum, haha, the grass—that’s one regret I don’t have.

How about not skinny-dipping in Walden Pond when I had the chance? If you could put me back there right now…well, maybe I still wouldn’t, because of the guy I was with, even though it was dark, but I kind of wish I could say I’d done it.

raum's avatar

@canidmajor What about trying to paint your memory of that moment?

@Jeruba You should skinny dip during the eclipse. Actually, no! The idea of being in the ocean in complete darkness has always freaked me out. Definitely with light from a moon!

canidmajor's avatar

Hahaha, @raum, I could probably render an…er… interesting abstract, at best. :-D

raum's avatar

I’m down with abstract art. :)

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