Social Question
Is there a name for this dream-like situation?
Over the course of my life, I have had visions/thoughts/dreams of places. Places I have never been, but the images come to me repeatedly, only not on any regular basis.
Usually years go by without these “places” making an appearance in my sleeping or waking life. It’s kind of like the feeling of deja vu, in that it seems very familiar, but it is clear to me that these “places” don’t exist, or I have never been to these places, yet I have these weird familar “memories” of them. I’m curious to know if other people have these types of experiences, or if there is some type of scientific name for this phenomenon. It happens both when I am awake, and when I am asleep.
There are about 4 or 5 scenarios, but only one of them involves a person who I actually know. The other scenarios are too vague to even notice if there are other people in the “scenes”. The most prevalent scene, which popped back into my consciousness a few days ago, is me and my elementary school best friend and I sitting way in the back of what appears to be an evening at a bonfire at a summer camp. There are other campers and the ranger or camp counselor is giving a presentation or leading a singalong. It’s unclear. There are camp cabins and a lit up outdoor pavillion. It’s nighttime, but it is warm, so it must be summertime.
My friend and I only ever went to one sleepover camping trip with the YMCA, and we both attended 6th grade camp together, but this “place” is not similar to either of those places, nor the actual experience.
The “thought” of this scene is quite lovely, and I enjoy the experience, but it is so random, and seemingly unrelated to reality. The other scenarios are neutral in nature, just “memories” of places that don’t exist. And the other scenes have nothing to do with camping, they are just places that I have been “remembering” for most of my life.
Have any of you ever experienced or heard of something like this?