Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

Do you adjust the measures you take for covid? Based on what?

Asked by JLeslie (65902points) February 14th, 2022 from iPhone

Let’s assume for this Q you always follow mandates and requirements that business ask you to do like if a store asks you to mask up.

Let’s assume now, there are no mask mandates where you live, which is becoming the case in many locations, what are you going to do? Will you go back to completely normal prior to covid behavior? Will you still wear a mask?

Do you follow CDC recommendations? Fauci recommendations? Use your own judgement?

Do the mandates and recommendations not matter anymore, you have been doing your own thing anyway?

Do you go by case numbers in your area? If cases are up you mask and stop mingling with people? Cases come back down you do more again?

Do you only care about your local numbers or do you listen to general country numbers?

What’s your system regarding covid19 and trying to protect yourself?

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17 Answers

Blackberry's avatar

I still don’t go out much. I think one or two restaurants per month, but before that it was door dashing and cooking at home.

All those videos of people partying in florida made me sick. I can understand being skeptical about the whole ordeal….but why double down….terrible.

I used that time to catch up on so much TV and exercise that I stopped doing lol.

SEKA's avatar

In the beginning, I followed the CDC guidelines as well as using some common sense. I mostly stayed away from the public with an occasional “need” that required me to go out.I always wore my mask while doing my best to maintain the recommended 6 feet separation. Once I was vaccinated, I began wearing my mask less and less still avoiding being close to strangers. I kept up with the vaccination status of most of my friends. No vaccine, no socialization

Jump to today. I’ve purchased a mask holder that I can wear around my neck so my mask is with me at all times and I only use it when I feel a mask is required. The CDC seems confused on where to guide us and I feel safer with my common sense than their recommendations

I’ve had long conversations with our daughter and she’s still wearing her mask while in school. My husband is at the point of using common sense as well. When I meet someone new and their first comment is that they have a right to not wear a mask and they don’t believe in vaccines or the virus is no more than a cold, I don’t bring them into my inner circle of friends. Yes, I might be missing a good friend, but I might also be missing a very sick family. I don’t care their party affiliation, but I do care that they aren’t using some common sense. I allow my gut to protect me and my family and so far it has worked well for us

HP's avatar

There’s a quote I cannot recall exactly, but it goes something like: “There’s one certainty in life. With or without you, it goes on.” I’ve been convinced since the outset that things would never be the same as pre covid. The disease was enough to convince me to cease what was then normal. And as your question indicates, things will never be the same. I find, I’m unwilling to go back. Tom Wolfe was right “you can’t go home again”. It’s no longer there.

chyna's avatar

I still wear a mask everywhere. The cases may be down in my area, but the death numbers are up. I was watching the super bowl this past weekend and I didn’t see many people wearing masks. I hope it’s not a super spreader.

Forever_Free's avatar

Ill still wear the mask. I will still stay informed and adjust when I see fit.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I still mask and take precautions regardless of mandate’s and lower cases.

jca2's avatar

For the most part, I’m not wearing a mask indoors. I’m not going out with abandon – I try to limit my in-store visits and I don’t go to restaurants too often. I did go to a crowded wake and funeral about two or three weeks ago and most people didn’t have masks on. I always have a mask with me. At doctors’ offices, they want you to wear it so for those visits, I do wear it, of course. I’m not anti-mask.

In NY and CT, the businesses around here have had signs that say if you have the vaccine, you don’t need to wear a mask, so they’re not demanding you wear a mask no matter what (except doctor and dentist).

My daughter is in school here in NY and they still have to wear a mask. I heard that’s going to end in early March but I haven’t seen anything official about it. Some parents are up in arms about it. I feel, and parents that I’m friends with feel, if the kids are ok with it, then leave the mask mandate in place for schools.

janbb's avatar

I stayed in most of January while Omicron raged in my county. Now that the numbers have gone down, I am going out more but still taking precautions. I won’t go into large indoor crowds or back to the gym yet and I will continue to wear a mask even though mandates are being lifted, this week I believe. I think it is too soon. So far, I’ve seen about half the people in the supermarket still masked.

I expect to have to adjust my activity level up and down as the numbers change. I think it will be like waves in the ocean for some time although I doubt the states will be able to reimpose mask mandates in the future.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No. I’m vaccinated, boosted and I’m done.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I self quarantined when the pandemic first hit. I didn’t wear my mask due to any mandates. I chose to wear my mask in order to be cautious!!! I wore my mask religiously for close to a year. Then I got vaccinated & my mask came off. Once I removed the mask, I lost any desire to return to wearing it. I still self isolate a lot, I stay away from the stores & the crazies who shop there. IF I need to go to a store, I try to schedule my time there to coincide with their slowest part of the day & I have a mask with me at ALL times just in case I feel I need It. I never partied much, but I’m less interested now. I’ve ALWAYS said “IF I don’t take care of me, then NOBODY else will” Hence, I try to use my brain & be diligent with the resources provided by the so-called experts & then think for myself!!!

I’ve been vaccinated, boosted as well as I’ve gotten my flu shot & pneumonia shot. I feel that I’ve done everything I can to protect myself & those around me. Most of my left wing friends have done the same & my right wing friends refused the masks & vaccine. So depending on the situation, how often I choose to be around any of them. I was NEVER one to go out socializing a lot, so I’ve NOT had to change that very much. When I do choose to go out, I try to make sure it’s an outdoor event & I social distance as much as possible!!!

Jaxk's avatar

I’m always amazed at how much all this has changed peoples lives. Who they can associate with, where they can go, or even if they can go places. My wife made an appointment for me for the first vaccination, the second and the booster. It was simple enough to keep those appointments. I wear a mask when I have to but take it off the moment I exit. I haven’t lost any friends nor have I restricted my activities. I figure I will contract some horrible life threatening disease sometime within the next 20 years but that is due to my age rather than my activities or vaccination status.

So I guess the answer to your question is no. I don’t take any special precautions nor do I monitor the the statistics to see what I can do. I live my life as best I can and let the chips fall where they may. OK, I admit to one concession. I did delay a trip to Las Vegas until the mask requirement was over. I couldn’t sit and play poker with a mask on, so I didn’t go.

gorillapaws's avatar

I generally avoid crowds, don’t attend events like movies, sporting events, or concerts. I wear an N95 out in public. I generally don’t eat in restaurants and do takeout instead. If the numbers are really bad, I’ll be more paranoid with the hand sanitizer.

I’m really not worried about my own health with Covid, but I’m terrified I could kill someone else through carelessness. It’s really not that big of an inconvenience to use common sense precautions like mask-wearing, and a lot less exhausting than when I would wipe down all of our Instacart deliveries in the early days. I personally find it disgusting that someone will hold the door to help out a stranger but refuse to wear a mask to reduce the risk of giving them a potentially life threatening virus, or one that could bankrupt them financially.

It’s sad how many people are on “team virus.”

Chestnut's avatar

Back to normal all the way.

Zaku's avatar

I’ll continue to weak a mask in public indoors, and avoid social “mingling” (other than shopping and the occasional restaurant) until I think the local Covid infection rate is low.

I will follow general recommendations from the CDC and medical experts, but I do not “follow” them in the sense of often seeking out the latest info, unless/until it gets my attention via my friends or some media I’m not otherwise going out of my way to find.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I’m always amazed at how big a leap people will take to try & make themselves feel better!!! My life hasn’t changed near as drastically as assumed. The ONLY friends that I’ve lost were 3 right wingers who swallowed hook, line, & sinker that the vaccine was unnecessary & Covid was NO worse than the flu or a bad cold. The wife died at noon, her husband at 12:32, & her sister at 1:01. Yes, I avoid being around any other friends who think like they did, but I’ve NOT lost their friendship!!! I still go out to eat every day at 3:00pm. The place where I eat has a large crowd of the elderly who can no longer cook for themselves & don’t want to go to the grocery store. We all wear our masks into the restaurant, sit every other table to maintain a minimum of 6 feet between us, order our meals, remove our masks & have a pleasant meal with each other!!! We have some very lively convos. I’ve NEVER gone to sports arenas, concerts, or the like. I stopped going to movie theaters when Beta & VHS became popular & popcorn at the theater cost more than renting a movie to watch at home & NOBODY was talking over the good parts!!! My shopping habits have changed, but they needed to. I now buy more from Amazon & have it delivered to my front door. Now I don’t have to worry about being carjacked driving to the store nor mugged while walking from the car to the front door!!!

The ONLY thing that I’m truly missing in my life is my husband & that didn’t change with Covid as he died 13 years before Covid hit us!!!

One comforting thought for me is that I do NOT have to wait another 20 years to be murdered by another threatening disease due to my age. I’m already in the vulnerable group & I don’t plan on allowing it to take me out…at least NOT today!!!

SEKA's avatar

^^ You go girl

JLeslie's avatar

Thanks to all who answered.

I focus on my state, and more specifically the counties where I live. I barely look at what is going on in other states, except when I anticipate a lot of people coming to my state, which is almost any time school is on a break (Thanksgiving, Christmas, Presidents’ Day, Spring Breaks, Summer) and actually no matter what is happening in other states, those holidays will create our next wave when people come here, mingle, and won’t isolate if they are mildly ill. They just paid for a vacation after all.

I don’t wait for the news to tell me cases are up, I anticipate when they will go up, because it’s exponential. Presidents’ Day weekend won’t have huge numbers, that’s just seeding covid19, it will be really noticeable two weeks after. That’s my guess.

I pull back and wear more masks during those holiday times and usually it last two weeks after the holidays until cases start coming down again.

Mostly, I stay in my pod for very close contact. Otherwise, I try to distance, be outside, wear a mask, etc. It’s done imperfectly, but hoping I hit it right if covid is near me.

When I decide to take a risk, like visiting my inlaws, I just do it. I stifle my concern about covid and take the risk. I’d like to start using tests to make that safer, but it’s difficult in the US.

Yesterday, I took way more risk than usual with someone visiting, hopefully he didn’t have covid, and hopefully I don’t now. I will be thinking about it for the next 4 days until I feel in the clear. I wore a mask when we were in the car. He got too close too often and my impression he takes zero precautions. He had covid in the very beginning, I know he was holding off getting vaccinated, I don’t know if he did. I know his antibody count was going down and down, because he was donating. The woman he was with had covid two months ago.

I didn’t lose any friends, but I stopped seeing one, because she completely denies there is any risk of covid and behaves like it doesn’t exist. I have run into her, and I just distance when she’s around. She does respect the distance.

I rarely eat at a restaurant. It’s probably going to total to 6 or 8 times a year. Additionally, I do take-out now and then. I used to eat out 2–3 times a week.

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