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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Has any one NSFW'ed in outer space? (NSFW)

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25194points) February 16th, 2022

Either alone or with a friend?

Does sex, and masturbation work in outer space?

Can astronauts give birth to children in space?

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25 Answers

kritiper's avatar

The only biological act I can think of works better with gravity.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

I’m not so sure a male can get an erection in zero G. Females may fare better.
Sex in space would be fucking out of this world!

RocketGuy's avatar

A married couple was on the ISS for a while once, but what happens in space stays in space…

filmfann's avatar

A pair of Russian cosmonauts were first. As I recall, a child was conceived. Unfortunately, it has no super powers.

flutherother's avatar

That would be the One Thousand Mile High Club.

JLoon's avatar

The answer is:

And, YESSS!!

…Based on my own research.

JLoon's avatar

And for serious scientists (like me), you can investigate the follow sources :

“Let’s Talk About Sex in Space” – Deutsche Welle (DW), Sept. 2021

“Attempting ReEntry” – The US Sun, Apr. 2021

Key information :

• Sex has been examined by at least three researchers in connection with long term space travel. But few findings have been published.

• It’s possible, but difficult due to zero-gravity environments.

• It’s likely space crewmembers have already had sex on at least two previous missions, one Russian and one American.

rebbel's avatar

Imagine the seamen floating through the ISS, after an astronaut pulled out before climaxing.
In zero gravity.

Zaku's avatar

@Blackwater_Park Why would gravity be relevant for that?

LadyMarissa's avatar

This came out in 2013…Sex In Space-How It’s Done This one is only 3 minutes long so definitely a quickie!!!

This came out in 2019…Life Love and Sex In Space This one is about 51 minutes long but very informative about how the space station works. Now, IF you’re impatient, you can skip to about the 44:40 mark to get the actual answer to sex in space. I actually found most of the other stuff more interesting!!!

Sex on an airplane is called “The Mile High Club” where sex in outer space is called “The Three Dolphins Club”. @RedDeerGuy1, since you made me watch all this crap in order to know the answer, I think I will return the favor…watch & learn WITHOUT skipping to the sex part!!! ROFLMAO

@filmfann Cute joke, but she didn’t conceive. There was also a married American couple, but they weren’t allowed to work on the same shift to make sure they stayed separated.

filmfann's avatar

@LadyMarissa In space, no one can hear you scream!

LadyMarissa's avatar

Then why bother???

Patty_Melt's avatar

My one unlived fantasy is zero G sex. Weightless, all efforts go to the activity, not, “you’re on my hair” or “I’m too heavy for top.” A harness might be necessary, to avoid smashing around each time, well, you know motions would cause lots of zipping around.

SEKA's avatar

According to the video, you should be strapped to a wall or something similar so you don’t send your partner across the room as your 2 bodies collide

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RocketGuy's avatar

Multiple collisions are necessary…

KRD's avatar

It can happen but it is better down here.

SEKA's avatar

@RocketGuy Makes being tethered to a wall sound a lot more interesting doesn’t it?

SEKA's avatar

@KRD After watching the video, I’ve lost interest in finding out

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

Go find out, I’ll sentry go on the beer supply. Rough gig but someone has to do it. Heard those pesky aliens love them some cold brew.

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

@flutherother – it would also be the Thousand Mile High and No Cops Around to Ruin Things Club. Might even write some new lyrics – Lone Star Beer and Bob Wills music helps to keep Darth Vader off my mind.

KRD's avatar

How good is the video?

RocketGuy's avatar

The short video sounds like a lot of speculation. Someone should rent out a New Shepherd flight and hire some porn stars to do some 0g “testing”.

SEKA's avatar

^^ Hmmmm, you got me thinking. Everything they stated indicated that sex had not been performed in outer space. Nothing was mentioned about experiments in the training module while at 0g. If I know our scientists “need to know” mentality, they do have an answer to this Q, they just buried it under the guise of that has never occurred in “outer space” because it’s NSFW

RocketGuy's avatar

Yep, “all jocks think about is sports, all nerds think about is sex.”

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