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flutherother's avatar

Where is the strangest place you have spent the night?

Asked by flutherother (35044points) February 19th, 2022

In our lives we sleep in a great variety of places. What for you was the strangest?

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24 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

In the church sanctuary. Was crying, and wishing, and praying for a miracle. Then fell into a deep relaxing sleep.

Dutchess_III's avatar

In a hammock with mosquito netting once.

On the ground with no mosquito netting once.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

A couple hundred feet underground in a cave.

ragingloli's avatar

The office.

JLoon's avatar

Yes. I have slept in a great variety of places.

A lot of them started out normal – but got strange later. Maybe it was just me.

Let me think…

Jeruba's avatar

There’ve been a few strange ones, but I think I’d have to single out the night in the back of a station wagon stuck in a ditch at the edge of a cow pasture in Nowheresville, Iowa.

My boyfriend and I and his raggedy old car were out exploring the countryside beyond our college campus one summer evening. There really wasn’t much to explore; it was basically all the same. But we’d had a few beers, and we found it entertaining for a while.

Then he decided to make a three-point turn on a long, lonesome dirt road and head back. The front wheels slid into a muddy ditch at the side of the road, and the car settled at a steep nose-down angle. He absolutely could not get traction to pull it out. So we slept in the nonhorizontal back and waited until morning, when a kindly farmer hauled us out with his strong vehicle. He undoubtedly thought we were idiots.

So did the cows.

cookieman's avatar

Very sketchy, no name hotel in Brooklyn. Mattress on the floor. One wooden chair. Lots of screaming and wailing from up and down the hall throughout the night. Not sure we did much sleeping.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Fun times as teenagers @Jeruba!

Forever_Free's avatar

On one of my hikes of the Appalachian Trail, I slept in a cemetery.
It was late summer 2019. It was a brutal day and I couldn’t make it to my planned location. I was out of water about ¾ of the way through and beat. I came down into this little town by means of the edge of a cemetery. I stopped at a house where a woman was out watering her garden and asked for water. She kindly gave me the hose. I decided to pack it in for the day, went to a store and got some food and a few beers. I went back to the cemetery and sat and relaxed. Near sundown I put up my tent under a lovely sky. I left the rain fly off as it was a nice night. 2 hours later, the rain came. I scurried to put the rain fly on. Another hour later I was awoke by the shining of headlights. I thought for sure it was the local police and would get asked to leave. To my suprise the lights just kept going.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I stayed at a roadside inn around Avebury, Wiltshire. The place was certainly haunted, and I slept fitfully that night.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

@Forever_Free A through hike is on my bucket list.

SnipSnip's avatar

The one that comes to mind is the attic of a frat house. That’s all I’m sharing. :)

Zaku's avatar

A cliffside overlook pullout.
Wandering around a city all night.
Trains, planes, ships, and automobiles.

rebbel's avatar

Filter room of a pool in Greece.
A mattress on the floor in a two car garage, with a rat present, in Greece.
On the roof of a kafenion (coffee bar for the elders of the village), July 9th, 2009, with my girlfriend, on a mattress that we hauled up, in Greece again.
And yes, also on a ship’s decks, to save money, from a ferry from Venice to Patras, Greece.

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

On an Island in Lake Travis. Fifty miler canoe trip in Explorer Scouts as a young teen. Most nights we’d make camp along the banks somewhere, but on the last leg we stopped on an island in the middle of the lake because we were worn out, sun burned and exhausted. Just built a big fire and laid out our sleeping bags in a semi circle around the fire. Slept well that night. Even with the splashing of the waves along the shore and the occasional night fishermen passing by in loud ass bass boats.

janbb's avatar

On the grass in the Champ de Mars next to the Eiffel Tower and on the airport lounge floor at Sciphol Airport. Also in the cab of a long haul trucker. 1971 was quite a summer!

Lightlyseared's avatar

An abandoned borstal (cross between a prison and a school for young offenders in the UK) within the security zone of a nuclear power station.

anniereborn's avatar

On the floor of a hospital waiting room (It was carpeted but I know it’s still gross). Darth_Algar was in for a procedure and I stayed. This was very early on in our relationship where they wouldn’t let me stay in his room. Also this was way before Covid.

RocketGuy's avatar

In a small car, parked in the compound of a small town police chief’s home.

Forever_Free's avatar

@Blackwater_Park Good luck on that goal. I did the AT, PCT, Muir Trail and loved them. The Camino De Santiago is on my BL

Blackwater_Park's avatar

@Forever_Free I’m a little tied down with the need to work right now. I don’t think my wife would be ok with me being gone for most of a year either.

Forever_Free's avatar

@Blackwater_Park I hear ya on that one. Weekend Section hiking is logistically better now as well. I hope you get it checked off

Blackwater_Park's avatar

It’s so awesome you got to experience all of that. I will be forever jealous.

Forever_Free's avatar

@Blackwater_Park don’t be jealous of me. I hope you find a way.

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