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ragingloli's avatar

Did the fox really steal the goose?

Asked by ragingloli (52369points) February 20th, 2022

I think the song is anti-fox propaganda.
How can a fox steal a goose, when nature has no concept of property, crime, or property-crime?
Furthermore, the fox is plainly outside of human jurisdiction, as human laws bestow neither rights to the fox, nor impose duties upon it, and as such, answers only to the will Gaia.
Additionally, for something to be considered stolen, it has to be property first, and just like the african slaves can in retrospect only be considered unrightfully exploited and abused prisoners of their so called “masters”, so can geese only be considered slaves of their human “owners”, not property, and I am confident that judgement by denizens of the future will only avow my position.
Thusly, it is clear beyond the shadow of a doubt, that the fox is not in fact a thief, but a humble hunter earning its honest keep, and ensuring its own survival for another day.

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7 Answers

rebbel's avatar

But what did the fox say?

janbb's avatar

^^ More to the point, what did the goose say?

kritiper's avatar

The baby foxes said “Daddy Daddy better go back again ‘cause it must be a mighty fine town-o.”

HP's avatar

You notice in the song that the geese aren’t given a voice. The fox and his family do all the talking. I’m not apologizing for the fox. The goose is “cooked” regardless. The farmer isn’t exactly altruistic regarding its “rights”.

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

The fox is a knave and a scoundrel. So there.

HP's avatar

The fox and his family are hungry. The fox is (once again) playing the hand he is dealt. One man’s thief is another’s hard working family provider. The fox might take to raising and eating his OWN geese, but do you suppose he might then expect the farmer not to both confiscate said geese , and continue the slaughter of him and his family? And again the fate of all the geese in whichever scenario you care to posit remains grim.

HP's avatar

@ragingloli I like your little parable loli. It makes you thing about the realities in a world where rights (regardless of professed sentiments) always boil down to property and profit at the top of the list.

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