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elbanditoroso's avatar

Putin called his invasion of Ukraine a "peacekeeping" mission. Remember when that excuse was used by the US?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33685points) February 21st, 2022

Gulf of Tonkin resolution, August 7, 1964, which led to the Viet Nam war and our subsequent humiliation.

Is “peacekeeping” simply jargon for “starting a real war”?

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10 Answers

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Yes it is. Putin is not fooling anyone by calling it this. I am genuinely shocked by the lack of concern by our media, this is a serious situation. Not as much for Ukraine but for the rest of the world if he gets away with it.

Demosthenes's avatar

Yes, to both questions.

Russia has done this with South Ossetia and Abkhazia (and obviously going further in Crimea by annexing it) and now eastern Ukraine.

I don’t think there is going to be a war. Russia will likely get away with this as they’ve done before at least three other times.

kritiper's avatar

“Peacekeeping” is not jargon for “starting a real war” or any other armed situation. After all, “To each his own” and “different strokes for different folks.” If one doesn’t learn from the past, one could be doomed to repeat it.

KRD's avatar

Putin is trying to bring back the USSR. He says it is a “peacekeeping” but he wants the extra power.

flutherother's avatar

The similarities between Ukraine today and Vietnam fifty years ago are uncomfortably close. LBJ and Putin seem equally cynical in describing their actions as peaceful. Putin may at least hope he can get his own way without violence but we have an obligation to Ukraine. We gave it security assurances against threats or use of force against its territorial integrity or political independence when it gave up its nuclear weapons..

HP's avatar

Of course Putin called it peacekeeping. And I bet it went over just as well with his public as WMD did here.

LostInParadise's avatar

Nobody fights wars anymore. They go on peace keeping missions. We have a secretary of defense, not war.

KRD's avatar

I hope that if Putin is no longer the leader of Russia then hopefully they get a good guy in there.

HP's avatar

Again, just who other than an equally or more repugnant devil would you expect to inherit the throne in hell?

KRD's avatar

I don’t study much on Russia.

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