What are the differences in personalities between people who change their profile pictures frequently, and those who NEVER change it?
I change my pictures every few weeks. Rick has the same picture he created his Facebook account with, 10 years ago.
What does it mean? And do you think women change pictures more often than men?
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14 Answers
I never change mine, I just never think about it. And on Facebook, I have noticed that more of he men change regularly than the women.
Here, I just get confused if people change their avatars, but then, I get confused if the grocery store moves stuff around.
I have had the same profile pic since I created my account also, probably at least 12 years ago. My reason is that I don’t like to have my picture taken and usually I don’t take a good picture.
I hate that too @canidmajor. It’s one of those deplorable marketing strategies.
Me too @chyna. I only post old pictures from when I was hot!
I have had the same avatar on fluther for about 8 years, perhaps longer, and the only time I have changed it was during special events like the yarnpocalypse.
I have had the same profile picture on facebook since 2015 (it was a really good pircture of me) and the same cover photo since about 2016 beause it was a col sunset.
As to personality, some of us are just stable and reliable and grounded, while others are flighty and always changing things around because they are not comfortable in their own skin and are always looking for the next big thing to finally satisfy them, but things never work out hat way.
Funny @zenvelo. Rick is more likely to change things around, get new cars all the time, and waste money than I am. I’m much more stable and unchanging.
Fluther I change two or three times a year.
FB every other year.
Don’t know what that means . . . .
I change mine whenever they get dirty.
The reason I don’t change mine is that I am so used to seeing it that it makes it easier to find my posts. Also, I just really have no reason to change it.
I never really change my avatar on Fluther. Creature of habit, I suppose.
I rarely change much of anything on Facebook. Though I don’t use it that much to begin with.
I suppose it comes down to how we subconsciously approach online identity performance? How we view ourselves?
Ones profile image is there identity on that site.
I keep mine the same all these years to allow others to recognize my posts etc
it simply easier to identify.
Others who change theres probably like we change our livingroom decor to represent the season.
* theirs *
Not into seasonal decorating here.
I can’t possibly compare the personalities of people I don’t know, but I can tell you that I change my avatar fairly often just because I get tired of looking at the same old thing. I’ve dressed up Cate Blanchett’s likeness in all sorts of ways, just for the fun of it, including the current image, in which she has a jellyfish on her head (and on her ear). They’re all Cate Blanchett, though, just because that’s what I started out with in 2008, when what I was looking for was a warrior queen.
I also like seasonal themes. And about two weeks before a holiday, I usually put up an appropriate image, and then I take it down as soon as the holiday passes.
But elsewhere I have avatars for two accounts that I never, ever change at all.
So this is the same personality with different habits in different places. What do you make of that?
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