Social Question

smudges's avatar

Is there a mystery you'd like solved relating to you, or the answer to something about you that you'd like to know before you die?

Asked by smudges (11566points) February 25th, 2022

For example: a friend never contacted you again and you’d like to know why; a relative disappeared from your life and you never knew why; you’re adopted and never found out who your bio parents were; you gave a child up for adoption and wondered whatever happened to them.

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11 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I would like to know what I should have done in 1999/2001 in university. It seems like a no-win situation.

Chestnut's avatar

Many, mainly when I feel depressed pretty much 24/7 when I seem to have an otherwise good life. Good job, good wife, good kid, own house and cars, no real debt, etc.

smudges's avatar

Depression, when you seem to have things going well, is usually caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain which can be rectified by medication. Maybe ask your doc.

filmfann's avatar

Broadly, the JFK assassination.

Personally, why my wife’s foster brother turned his back on her.

smudges's avatar

When I was 14 my family was camping. Mom and Dad slept in the 5th wheel and Dad set up a tent for my sister and I. We set up our cots and put a small table between them with a candle and a clock and a few incidentals on it.

Sometime in the night I was dreaming I couldn’t breathe. I opened my eyes and there was a shape bent over me with their hands around my throat. I guess they sensed me waking up, because they let go and left. Since the tent was army-green canvas, it was very dark inside and when they opened the flap to leave, I could see a shape against the night sky. My sister, age 8, sat up and said, “Who was that?!”

We ran to the trailer and tried to get in but it was locked, so we banged on the door and Mom and Dad came. (Why on earth parents would lock the door and leave their daughters outside I’ll never know, but that’s beside the point) I told them what had happened and Dad went out with a flashlight and looked around, not finding anything.

The next morning my sister and I went out to the tent and found that the candle was on the ground and a couple of other things on the table were jumbled. My parents kind of pooh-poohed it all because I was known for nightmares and walking and talking in my sleep. But I swear someone was in there with us choking me. I’d love to know the details of the situation, mostly who it was and why.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Another mystery is when I was 4 and found a severed arm of a middle aged white man. I went to tell my mom and it wasn’t there when she checked.

smudges's avatar

How does a 4 year old know he was middle-aged and a man? I’d think it was just “an arm, mommy”.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Because as an adult he is describing it with new understanding.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Mystery: up until age 8 or 9 years old had frequnet dreams of a green hand stretching out to grab me.

Later while doing our family history I discovered a vintage photograph ( never seen by us ) of my sister and I beig held by two nurses after being born.

I researched and found out because being premature ( but full term ) and underweight one twin 3 pounds and the other 3.5 pounds , were in an incubator and found out that the medical personal could only touch, handle us if they wore these long gloves that fir up to there elbows..color was a pukey green!

Sooo it means that babies DO have early memories in that they retain and most likey appear in dreams or nightmares that are thus interpeted wrongly due to lack of concrete information.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Another mystery NOT solved at this time is:
Belongings plus photo albums and information on our lineage hidden from view under the small home for years, without the families knowledge, and it thus lost forever.
That home was dismantled as it became in disrepair after he passed on.

That information could had saved me 30 years of researching plus garnered actual original vintage photographs , documents ( land, Wills, Marriage,death records, migration etc)

Presently cannot determine original Ancestor in France from whom many descend from!
Stopped at 1600“s because of birth record and unknown original Birth place?

Wait until I see that Grandfather in the afterlife…He has some explaining to do..haha

smudges's avatar


1. Yes, that makes sense.

2. That’s amazing about your green hand dreams! And yes, I too believe that we have memories of infancy, we simply don’t have the words to use to think/talk with. I also believe our bodies have ‘memories’ of strong experiences.

3. What a shame! That would just make me sick, especially knowing the items had been within my grasp but I didn’t know it.

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