Social Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Have you ever been in a no-win situation?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25035points) February 25th, 2022

After thinking about it do you have a solution later in life?

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5 Answers

HP's avatar

Life itself

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@HP Life happens to us all. We all have it, and it is a chronic fatal condition of being human.

elbanditoroso's avatar

No, but plenty of times I have been in a no-wine situation.

In those cases I had beer.

canidmajor's avatar

Yes. Unresolvable family issues. No, by definition, no solution.d

Inspired_2write's avatar

Feb 15 2022 burned in my memory as a bad chaotic day with contrary seniors ( 2) who caused undue fear and thus chaos amounst others who were trying to exist our building on the first floor of our complex down a stairwell.

Previously the day before we all had a Fire Drill and it was arranged with mgmt that the lady with the walker and oxygen tank will stay in her apartment as the Fire Dept is only two blocks away and would only take 3 min to arrive.( per regulations/procedures).

Noooo she had to suddently change her mind , get another senior involved in trying to get her and her walker etc downstairs by himself ( small man) .

I told him no arrangements were already agreed upon, but he also panicked and fought this and tried to take her downstairs which spelled diaster as she could fall over him as he led her in front. I finally head to take her other hand to steady her and we strugggled to get her to ground level then go back up to get her walker etc

Thus the other wing’s Fire marshall lost it and with no one leading I had it hoisted onto me and thus had to go back up and direct that group.

problems with two emotional seniors that caused chaos and more anxiety already.

It was a no win situation after at that meeting a few days later but the good result is that the senior in the alker with oxygen tank is to be moved to main floor for easy escape route .

Is she argues with that the Mgmt will ask her to leave to another complex eithr in this Town or another whsich ever is available as she cannot do for herself here and is very dependant on others in looking after her needs ( groc,appointments,housekeeping )

Not everyone is calm and collected so it seems especially in an emergency, I found out the hard way.
To make matters worse, inspection may prove tht it might be a fire that was deliberatly started ( light fixture in the stairwell caught Fire 10: 30 Pm) or the light bulb got too hot (?) Recomendation all lights will be replaced with led lights as they don’t get hot.

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