I'm anxious when I read the news. But when I don't read the news, I'm anxious of not knowing. How can I resolve this dilemma?
It’s a vicious cycle. I’m anxious to know what’s happening. I read the news, get anxious, and stop reading. Then I get anxious that I don’t know what’s happening.
It’s the same with people around me. I’m frustrated when I don’t hear anyone talking about the news. But when someone mentions the news, I want them to stop talking because I get overwhelmed.
It has got to the point when I’m scared of even going on the Internet. I’m so scared that I would accidentally see a triggering word that would throw me in a fit of anxiety.
What is wrong with me?
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28 Answers
Perhaps you can ration the news to certain times of the day and try not to think about it at other times.
Come away, O human child!
To the waters and the wild
With a faery, hand in hand,
For the world’s more full of weeping than you can understand.
From “The Stolen Child” by WB Yeats.
My workaround is to not watch the news. I go to a trusted news sites and glance over the headlines. Then I decide which ones sound important enough to make me anxious and I read those with a controlled mind. The ones I deem not worthy still make me aware about what others are speaking. I seem to deal with the anxiety better when I’m accepting it before reading about something that sets me off. I also think about whether or not I can do anything to change the situation—if not, I do my best to let it go and pray that everything will work out OK. If I can’t fix it, then there’s no reason to grow anxious. I am still concerned but not anxious.
What I do, and what I suggested to my girlfriend too, is, before I start looking at my preferred sources (which I deem trustworthy), feel how I feel that moment; am I already stressed, am I calm, how’s my physical state (psychosomatic issues?).
Depending on the outcome of that research (this may sound big and complicated, but in truth takes maybe a (split) second, including decision) I browse the news sources.
I read headlines only, in first instance.
If I feel I can take it, I’ll go a bit deeper.
All the while keeping my mental wellbeing as my number one focus.
I think feeling anxious about the news is an appropriate reaction to today’s news.
I limit myself so I don’t get overwhelmed, but a level of anxiety ind8cates concern and outrage, which should not be curbed.
@canidmajor “indic8’s” I see what you almost unintentionally did there.
@Mimishu1995 So news is intended to be addictive like this. You need to distract yourself with something positive, interesting, fun and/or silly like the neat typo above for example. Focus on what is in front of you and not a world away. If you have something productive to do that can help take your mind off of the news media. News media is well-being poison and lighthearted humor is a good antidote.
I agree with @canidmajor that anxious is the appropriate response to the news today. I certainly feel it.
I think, as citizens of the world, we have responsibility to be informed but not at the expense of our well-being. You have to find the level of consumption that works for you.
I only read the headlines and short blurbs on the New York Times home page. What’s great is they require a paid subscription to read more (which I won’t pay), so it limits what I consume. I only look 2–3 a week.
No TV or radio news.
It’s just become too much.
@Blackwater_Park I am on my tablet, which does that sometimes. I should proofread. But I’m afraid I don’t see what I “almost unintentionally did there.”
Just look for hightlights that are summarized instead of indepth reports.
I find that helps one get the gist but not the whole gruesome details.
I’d recommend trying to develop a life outside of the phone.
This means exercising, going out and doing stuff, reading a book, playing a video game etc.
First of all, determine what gives you the most anxiousness, then indulge in the lessor. But don’t get your news from the internet. It has been shown that at least 50% of that information is false and/or misleading.
How long have you gone without reading it? If it is only a day or two, it is not long enough to get out of the habit. Eventually, if you stopped long enough, and also surrounded yourself with people doing fun things and talking about matters that are not so serious, I think your anxiety might come down about current events in the news. It might now work, but I think it is worth trying.
I watch political and world news about once a week, unless something is happening that I really feel I want to be on top of.
Even a Ukranian-American acquaintance of mine said yesterday there is nothing she can do from America about what is happening in Ukraine, she isn’t going to watch the news 24/7 about it.
You might have generalized anxiety for another reason and not really getting to the root of it.
What I do is to watch business news. Also I turn the channel when the news gives a warning for graphic/disturbing content.
Well we none of us can escape what’s going on in the world. Read the news once a day, and then temper it with some fluff about celebs, or an old comedy sketch on You Tube. Stay informed but don’t get obsessed.
Nothing is wrong with you per se. I did the same with COVID. Obsessed over every death until I had a huge panic attack.
But I also have GAD so I stay away from news as much as possible. I don’t get anxious from not knowing, “What you don’t know can’t hurt you” I suppose.
I would just limit yourself to one article a day, then stop and watch something happy after. Don’t read more than a couple.
Thank you everyone. I’m a tough person and I don’t get disturbed easily… or so I thought. I didn’t know I could get so upset by this current event. I also feel guilty for living my life when I know there are people out there who are dying.
I’m also anxious of the implication of this event to my own country. Luckily someone just told me that it’s not likely because there are just too many factors against it.
It doesn’t help that my family has a habit of turning on the TV during meals, and I am exposed to the news. I can’t exactly tell my family because they would think I’m being overdramatic.
I’m not getting any news from the Internet for now, not until I calm down. The news on TV is upsetting enough. I can’t fix anything. Like @SEKA, I’m praying that everything will be ok.
I’m getting back to my sketches of my story now. Since the holiday I haven’t made any progress. I hope at least I can do something more productive than obsessing over something I can’t control.
Ans also I just found out some months ago that there is a cat breed called Russian Blue. I fell in love with it and I wish I could have one one day. But then these days I have to be careful searching that name because it would bring up things I don’t want to see. For now I will have to type “russian blue cat” on Word and paste it on the search.
@SergeantQueen thank you. I will bookmark the link so that I don’t have to open Word every time I need some cuteness :)
@snowberry I love Chartreux too! But they are so rare. The British Shorthair looks fat :)
I’m genuinely glad to read that I’m not the only one who avoids news. I assumed I was just an overly dramatic baby. In my case, I avoid any negative animal stories because I get pictures/video clips in my head of the abuse and it may be days before I can get rid of them. So I check out headlines and read the safe ones I’m interested in. I completely stopped watching TV news years ago because they would sometimes blindside the viewer with a pic and a story before I could mute or change the channel. Over the years, the anxiety/dread has tapered off and I feel more in control of my emotions. That may happen to you also, @Mimishu1995.
That pic that @SergeantQueen posted is the spitting image of one of the cats I had for 17 years, except mine had green eyes. Love you miss you Pepper!
Just found out that Fluther is already having discussions. I’ll stick to this place than other places on the Internet. I’m still not mentally stable enough to get more news yet.
@smudges I’m sorry for you loss. What was his personality?
Vietnam survived and thrived after horrific warfare.
We can feel bad for what people are enduring under similar circumstances today, and admire them for their courage and resistance.
@Mimishu1995 She was only about 4–5 weeks old when we got her, and I think that contributed to her personality. She was scared about a lot of things, but her way of showing it was to be somewhat aggressive. She was like one of those little kids who brags, “Ha! Doesn’t scare me!”, but you can tell it does. She was very loving to my ex and I, but was named for her ‘spicy’ personality. She had a very good adopted sister (Musgy) who was a sweet Raggamuffin. LOL When we’d (mildly) fuss at Pepper for doing something she shouldn’t, she’d go over and smack Mugsy on the head. Too funny!
Thank you so much for asking. :o) I’m so sorry you’re having such trouble right now. I do think it will get better. Try to be patient and loving toward yourself.
@smudges Thanks. I haven’t been in a good mood these days. I’m trying to find something positive to occupy my mind.
I wish I could have a cat, but my home isn’t a suitable place for a pet. I can only admire them through images :)
@Mimishu1995 When I need a pick-me-up I look at youtube videos of baby animals and baby humans, especially hippos and rhinos and elephants. Just take deep calming breaths and allow yourself to simply appreciate their beauty and goofiness. Another thought, I hate the ‘gratitude thing’, but when I’m down, it does help me to think about things I feel lucky to have – like a home, electricity, friends, a good car, enough money leftover for hobbies, etc. Just tossing out ideas. Wish I could do more for you.
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