General Question

luigirovatti's avatar

Do you think the following thought experiment from the anime "Sakurada Reset" is accurate?

Asked by luigirovatti (3024points) February 26th, 2022

The thought experiment is the following:

There are two interlocutors, let’s call them A and B. They make a dialogue and say the following:

A) What makes you fall in love with someone?
B) I suppose something like their thought process. Specifically, what they think under each circumstance and what kind of action they will take.
A) Do you understand his thoughts?
B) I don’t.
A) Can you fall in love with someone you don’t understand?
B) Even without fully understanding, there’s things I can be sure of.
A) Can you fall in love with a stone?
B) I don’t particularly like stones.
A) In that case, let’s imagine that his body has transformed into a pebble. It’s a cold pebble that doesn’t speak or move. All it can do is think. Can you fall in love with that stone?
B) Yes, I can.
A) Then, what’s the difference between a thinking stone and an ordinary stone lying by the road? What do you expect from a stone that thinks?
B) Nothing.
A) Really?
B) Yes.
A) I see. Your problem is your tendency to agree to everything so easily.
B) What do you mean?
A) If you’re telling the truth, then you shouid live on and hold that pebble close to you forever. You can believe that his will is in it and die knowing that.
B) No, if he desires it from the bottom of his heart, his voice will reach me someday. And that stone will return to being a human, if necessary.
A) Is that so? If that’s the case, why do you not desire anything? After all, you should wish for the stone to speak and return to being human.
B) It’s because there’s no need to.
A) So, the only thing that’s important is his thoughts?
B) Yes.
A) Now, let’s take his thoughts out of the stone. Can you throw it away when it actually turns into an ordinary stone? What do you love about him?
B) I don’t know.

That’s it. Let me know your comments down below and I hope you enjoyed it.

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1 Answer

ragingloli's avatar

I prefer this exchange from Star Trek Voyager:

Harry Kim : Seven, you’ve been around humans for a while now. What do you think about… love?
Seven of Nine : We’re scanning for microfractures. I don’t see the relevance.
Harry Kim : Just curious.
Seven of Nine : Parental love, romantic love, affection between friends – specify.
Harry Kim : Romantic love.
Seven of Nine : An attraction based on sexual desire, one that facilitates procreation.
Harry Kim : I guess I’m asking the wrong person.
Seven of Nine : Not at all. The Borg have referenced this condition in over 6,000 assimilated species.
Harry Kim : Condition? You make it sound like a disease.
Seven of Nine : Physiologically, it bears a striking similarity to disease. A series of biochemical responses that trigger an emotional cascade, impairing normal functioning.
Harry Kim : Forget it.

I think it is much more accurate.

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