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MakeItSo1701's avatar

If two mind readers read each other’s mind, are they reading their own mind in the other ones mind?

Asked by MakeItSo1701 (13653points) February 26th, 2022

If person A is reading person B’s mind while person B is reading person A’s mind, is person A reading persons B mind, or is person A reading person A’s mind?

Or is person A reading person B read Person A’s mind?

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11 Answers

LostInParadise's avatar

Two people reading each other’s mind could lead to feedback problem. I don’t know if people do this anymore, but when I was young and two people disagreed on what they should do, they sometimes decided by each displaying one finger or two, with one person winning if the total number of fingers was even and the other winning if the total was odd. Imagine two mind readers doing this. They would each keep changing their mind based on what the other person was thinking. What a mess!

Jeruba's avatar

Well, there’s no such actual thing as mind reading, although there are many ways, some very slick, for getting a reading on someone else’s thoughts.

When my husband and I, separately and independently, used to give the same response to some request of our kids’, they would say we were sharing a brain.

Sometimes the thinking alike comes from two similar responses A and B to a single stimulus C. So it might feel like mind reading between A and B, but really it’s recognizing a parallel reacton to C.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

@Jeruba But in this situation, actual mind reading is thing. Just a fun hypothetical.

Jeruba's avatar

Oh. Well, never mind, then. I try to stay away from hypothetical questions.

Something like this, though, I suppose. Infinite recursion.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

It would be like putting two phones next to each other when they are both calling each other.

smudges's avatar

hahahaha great question!

Kropotkin's avatar

They begin to scream, clutching their heads in agony. Moments later their brains explode.

Inspired_2write's avatar

I think that you mean telepathic…

Its really that when two people are in sync with each other and begin to think alike that one could determine there responses….its not telephatic its just familuarity.

As a twin my sister and I could finish each others sentances because of proximity and also we were alone without others most of the times. ( in Sync with each others personalities)

flutherother's avatar

My guess is their minds would begin coalesce to some extent and they would cease to have independent thoughts. The closest real-life case I know of would be the sad story of the “Silent Twins” June and Jennifer Gibbons.

RocketGuy's avatar

We had a guy Remote Desktop from our conference room to his computer, then Remote Desktop from his computer back to the computer in the conference room. Dream within a dream => both computers went BSOD! He had to power off both to reset.

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