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MakeItSo1701's avatar

How often do you wash pillow cases?

Asked by MakeItSo1701 (13653points) February 26th, 2022

For me, once a week, along with all my other stuff.

But lately I think it needs to be every other day because I have been breaking out in acne so bad because my skin is just so sensitive.

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17 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Once every 6 months. I am waiting for new pillowcases from Amazon. Should arrive by March 7th. My favorite hugging pillow doesn’t have a pillowcase.

JLeslie's avatar

Usually, once a week, sometimes once every two weeks.

chyna's avatar

I wash all sheets and pillow cases once a week.

nightwolf5's avatar

Once every 6 or so months. I do change them out at times. I have different colors and styles of several.

ragingloli's avatar

Once it starts making crunching noises.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Once a week.
Could you be allergic to the fabric or laundry soap?

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I change my sheets every other week. When I remember, I wash my pillow cases weekly with all the other laundry.

I enjoy doing the laundry. The weather here is often fine, so I hang out to dry on the line. I get a great deal of joy from the whole process of pulling things from the machine and pinning them on the line in the order I’ve established. It’s a completely unimportant task, but one that fills me with contentment.

Jeruba's avatar

I change the bed linens every other week too. But a pillow has two handy sides. I can get a fresh pillowcase just by turning it over. Besides, I use two pillows, and that’s four sides.

Forever_Free's avatar

I have two sets of bedding for every bed. This is vital to when I rent out the space and have a quick turnover.
For my personal stuff rotate once a week.

gondwanalon's avatar

Sheets and pillowcases are washed every Saturday.

cookieman's avatar

Every week or two I wash all the sheets, pillow cases included.

My daughter washes all her own sheets weekly — sometimes twice a week. The two doggies sleep on her bed.

Jeruba's avatar

I’m getting the impression that some of us launder the used sheets and put them right back on the bed. No linen closet full of choices in assorted colors, mix and match sets?

The more colors I have, the better I like it. It’s Alexander Julian watercolor sheets for me. They have the watercolor design in common, with a wide variety of colors that I use in combinations of all kinds. Sometimes I want to see the full set in uniform color, and sometimes I mix to the max: two sheets, four pillows, all different.

Naturally season, mood, and occasion affect my choices. I do indeed use red and green at Christmastime, and in the heat of summer it’s the full complement of shades of blue (sapphire, sky blue, and aqua) and silver or cloudy off-white. Right now I’m going to be putting on some light spring colors before I go the full-blast purple and yellow.

JLeslie's avatar

I usually launder sheets and put them right back on the bed for about two months and then change to another color combination. Today, I laundered the flannel sheets and am putting them back in the closet until next winter.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Jeruba I have 4 sets of sheets. 2 sets are white, 1 is gray, and 1 is linen in a natural color. I use them as sets. I don’t know why, but I don’t use colors. I applaud your mixing and matching.

SnipSnip's avatar

I change sheets/pillowcases every three or four days.

KRD's avatar

every 2–3 weeks.

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