Had immature parents who themselves were not equipt to parent five children.
In early part of that marriage the older siblings benefited in better economic times but my sister and I being the youngest and born in poor economic times suffered the worst.
Ignored, oftentimes no food ( only minor snack once a day) and forgotten and left on our own during family gatherings at the table.
That was result of an ill mother and and absent father ( most of the time) .
However as a teenager was able to earn money on my own babysitting for neighbours as they went out for the evenings.
With that money fed myself by going to nearby A& W for a baby burger as that is all I could afford then, and that sustained me until I got a part time job at age 17 Yrs old and from that income shared some with my mother and used some for my sustenance.
I became a much stronger person physically and mentally and intellectually.
much more but too long to outline here.
Here in my seniors years independent,strong,physically (almost there) in shape, lost weight and made short term and long term goals.
In a much better position then most who ” give up” instead of getting assistance from Counsellors to heal the past and to direct your own life then on.
It was a good lesson to be learned and I understand and I am great full of my life experience that got me here in my present.
its like the analogy of Hercules rolling a boulder up a steep slope. He gets stronger for it in the end and conquers the world.
Decide to fight the sadness and determine your attitude to get better conditions for yourself and others.
You have a full life ahead of you, my prayers go out to you as I understand your dilemma ever so clearly.