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elbanditoroso's avatar

Does Putin only have yes-men for advisors, or does he have staff that give contrary opinions?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33771points) February 27th, 2022

I remember that there was a US president – maybe Carter, maybe Bush I – that made a point of having someone in every decision-making or policy-making meeting, to take a contrary opinion.

If I remember what I read, the point of having the person was to make sure that another opinion was heard and considered, even if it wasn’t heeded.

My question – for Putin in general, but for the Ukraine adventure in particular:

Is there someone in the various policy discussions in Russia to take an opposing point of view, just to make sure all sides of a question are examined?

or is Putin such an egotist and dictator that he can’t abide even considering opinions that might go against his own?

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