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luigirovatti's avatar

What state is winning the most at the moment between Russia and Ukraine?

Asked by luigirovatti (3012points) March 1st, 2022

I heard the Ukrainian people are putting up quite a fight. The problem with Ukraine is the continuing missile strikes against key areas and the 40-mile convoy getting ever closer to Kiev. For that matter, the problem with Russia (good for us) is that Poland donated fighter jets to Ukraine, according to this article:

So, according to you, who will win in the war? Any thoughts?

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14 Answers

Zaku's avatar

The Russian attack seems to have been surprisingly incompetent so far, and they’ve been suffering for it.

Of course, it’s their troops who are suffering most. Putin is mostly embarrassed by it, so far, but the worse this goes, the worse things may go for him. I think it could be the mistake that gets him out of office, one way or another.

gorillapaws's avatar

Define win. Russia is almost certain to take objectives, but if they try to occupy Ukraine for any period of time, it’s going to be devastating for Russian forces.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Elon Musk donated a truck full of wifi connectors to his Starlink sattelite to Ukraine so they’re never out of wifi service.

I’m rooting for Ukraine…not so much because I’m against Russia…but because the people of Ukraine are showing how much they LOVE their country!!!

LostInParadise's avatar

In the short term, Russia will do well, but they are going to have a hard time afterwards due to Ukrainian resistance and sanctions.

JLoon's avatar

Nobody wins this. Even before it began, it was pointless and tragic.

Ukranian and Russian people will suffer together in different ways, but the so-called “leaders” who bear the blame for this war will accept no responsibility – and learn nothing from their mistakes.

flutherother's avatar

Win or lose, I don’t know. What I wonder is how those families who are living through this explain what is happening to their children.

filmfann's avatar

This is war. No one wins.

HP's avatar

This war is certainly unaffordable for Russia and may well lead to collapse of order and render the country ungovernable if this struggle is protracted. But clearly, regardless of the outcome, it is Ukraine alone that is the battlefield and the place that is being physically destroyed with exactly the misery and suffering you would expect. The Russian populace suffers the inconvenience of no functioning ATMs but there are no bombs falling on their heads and destroying their homes. And win? Ukraine cannot win. It may perhaps hold out, but there will be no counter offensive and invasion to conquer Russia. An anemic Russia may eventually collapse in disorder, but it is Ukraine which is literally destroyed.

LadyMarissa's avatar

As Patrick Swayze said in the movie RoadHouse…NOBODY ever wins in a fight!!!

KNOWITALL's avatar

I’m flummoxed by the seeming ineptitude of the Russian troops I’ve seen. They are supposed to be hard mercenaries, not young men. Makes me suspicious they are disposable to Putin

I’m betting Russia does something crazy to save face. So yes, Ukraine’s trolling is winning, and amazing to watch all the confrontation videos. Thanks to Musk.

Kropotkin's avatar

The losers are Ukrainian people mostly, and to some degree Russian people. The winners are the weapons and military hardware manufacturers and traders.

In the short term, I don’t see any reason to think Russia will not capture Kiev and the other major cities within a few weeks, and basically “win the war”. I suspect a lot of talk of their incompetence and slow progress is exaggerated, and very selective.

In the longer term, and this would really be a disaster for Ukraine, is for the country to be turned into an everlasting warzone where Russian soldiers get bogged down fighting an insurgency for the forseeable future, fuelled by an endless supply of arms coming in from the West. I think that’s where we’re headed right now.

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LadyMarissa's avatar

@KNOWITALL Russia is using conscripts for their army. These are draftees that were grabbed off the street with little to NO training to march through Ukraine so they will have fresh, well trained troops waiting to kick ass later on. Putin seems to be in NO hurry to get to his well trained troops!!! It seems to me that the citizens of Ukraine have been very effective at NOT just caving in!!!

luigirovatti's avatar

@LadyMarissa: This is certainly a viable strategy!

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