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JLeslie's avatar

What did you think about Biden’s recent state of the union address?

Asked by JLeslie (65925points) March 4th, 2022 from iPhone

If you’re willing, let us know if you voted for him and if you are a registered Democrat or Republican, or something else.

I’m wondering about your overall feeling of America and his presidency while watching and listening to the speech, and also feel free to mention specific topics he mentioned that you really liked or really disagreed with.

I watched most of it, and overall I felt like he was trying to include all Americans and not talk down to those who are Republican or who disagree with him (but I’m not a Republican, so that’s easy to say). I agreed with most of what he said, but definitely not everything.

I found it interesting he spoke of health hazards through chemical exposure for our military men.

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39 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

He spoke predictably, like a leader should. His original speech had to be vastly rewritten because of Putin’s war in Ukraine, so we didn’t get the planned messaging. That said, it was a reasoned, thoughtful speech. The problem with SoTU speeches in general is that they are completely meaningless in real life – they don’t change anything – and this was no exception.

What was truly disgusting is the way that republican behave and react. Not all, but the usual morons. SoTU used to be a time for respect. Not any more.

Final thought – wearing blue and yellow dresses and ties: nice symbolism. But real support for Ukraine would be better.

LadyMarissa's avatar

He spoke of the health hazards of our military (women as well as men) because he has reason to believe that’s why his son Beau died at such a young age!!!

I’m a registered Independent who despises BOTH sides of the political spectrum!!! I would despise Biden IF it weren’t for the fact that he followed 45 & has returned some form of normalcy to our country. Considering the mess he inherited from the previous administration, he is doing sooo much better than I anticipated that I hesitate to say I’m impressed!!!

jca2's avatar

James Corden had a clip where Biden referred to “the Iranian people” or something like that, which was funny and yet sadly, not surprising.

I am a Dem but am not thrilled with Biden.

I’ll try to find the clip.

jca2's avatar

Biden’s gaffe at State of the Union, referring to Iranians:

janbb's avatar

I didn’t watch but a friend whom I respect felt it was the best State of the Union he’d ever seen. I am so impressed with the way the West is handling Putin’s aggression.

ragingloli's avatar

Lauren Boobert was so brave heckling Biden when he was talking about his dead son and soldiers suffering ill health from being exposed to burn pits, then voting against a bill that would help soldiers exposed to burn pits.

chyna's avatar

@jca2. At what point did Biden say that? I’ve watched 3 times and didn’t catch it. I’m referring to the clip you posted and at what time marker at the bottom.

ragingloli's avatar

at 20 seconds.

chyna's avatar

Ok, I still had to listen a few more times, but finally caught it. Thanks.

SEKA's avatar

@ragingloli Did you catch the side eye that Kamala shot at her?

Chestnut's avatar

He sounds like Mr. Burns from The Simpsons when he tries to talk tough, was waiting for him to threaten to release the hounds.

Pandora's avatar

I thought it was normal sounding which I am grateful for. I was surprised that even some republicans applauded some things he said and surprised they stood silent when he spoke of the infrastructure bill. As if it only benefits Democrats and not their constituents as well. I mean, why be against infrastructure? I suppose because it is expensive and they only want to talk about the deficit but not the things that are needed to make it work smoothly. For years already, infrastructure seems to be the can people keep kicking down the road, as if God will descend from heaven and fix it all without investing a dime. What are taxes are really meant to be used for. But I’m sure it makes them sad that Biden want to levy heavier taxes on the rich which means less pocket money for them.

Don’t get me wrong. I feel both parties aren’t crazy about that idea. But if we don’t do something about infrastructure then correcting the damages will be more costly.
I was glad to hear that chips for our phones and computers and such will be made in the USA and he’s promoting more things to be made here with huge billions of dollars factories to be built here and make electric cars. My favorite part was the increase of 15 percent on the very rich and when he said the following. ” That’s simply not fair. That’s why I’ve proposed a 15% minimum tax rate for corporations.

We got more than 130 countries to agree on a global minimum tax rate so companies can’t get out of paying their taxes at home by shipping jobs and factories overseas.”
If anyone wants to read the whole thing it’s on the White House Web site.

Blackberry's avatar

Those speeches don’t matter.

People are smart enough to know when their spouse is lying, but when it’s a politician, all spidey sense goes out the window apparently.

I’ll wait for the action, instead of the word, to give my assessment.

snowberry's avatar

My father had dementia. Dad confused words like Biden does (and this is not the first time Biden has confused names).

Pandora's avatar

@snowberry I could he confuse words? He was reading from a teleprompter. Now its possible to misread. Even I do that when quickly reading.

SEKA's avatar

When 45 confused words it was silly to say he had dementia because anybody could confuse words. Now that it is Biden, he needs to go into a nursing home. You don’t get it both ways

seawulf575's avatar

I felt he predictably bumbled through it. He said things that weren’t true and he said things he thought the country wanted to hear to boost his failing popularity (and the popularity of his party) in an election year. I didn’t believe he was sincere at all. And Nancy Pelosi was even worse. When she smiled broadly, stood up to lead applause and gleefully rubbed her hands together when Biden mentioned US soldiers breathing toxic gas fumes, you have to wonder what was really going on. And I am a registered Independent.

JLeslie's avatar

All this attack on his speech giving skills or a slip of words? I defended Bush when he said words incorrectly and I defend Biden. Biden actually has a known stuttering problem since childhood that he has for the most part overcome. Giving a speech live isn’t easy.

seawulf575's avatar

@JLeslie I can understand a slip here or there. But remember, he IS reading off a teleprompter. He isn’t making it up as he goes. He is reading what is there. So that makes the slips a little more meaningful.

JLeslie's avatar

@seawulf575 I disagree. A quick google for you, there are many more.

chyna's avatar

A slip of the tongue on words is much more preferable than a president making fun of a handicapped person on national TV.
Sorry @JLeslie. I’m totally off topic of your original question.
I missed the speech as I go to bed so early to get up at 5:30.

jca2's avatar

I say this about both Biden and Trump: Most people in their late 70’s are visiting with grandchildren, traveling, hanging out. Can our next Presidential candidates not be in their late 70’s? Are there not people in the country who are qualified and electable but not so old?

Bush Dubya was a bit younger, and even though I didn’t like him at the time, I look back upon him now and he was kind of funny, because he was goofy. I feel that Biden looks like he’s ready for the nursing home (and it’s just my personal opinion, I know). Bernie, I wasn’t a huge fan of but he had a vitality about him – he was quick on his feet, verbally and literally, but he was considered quite old, too.

JLeslie's avatar

@jca2 When I saw Biden getting into the car to drive over to the Capitol I said to my husband, “I can’t imagine working at that age.” My FIL works in his 80’s and it makes me feel sick to my stomach, but I try not to project my feelings onto him.

Having such a big job with so much responsibility at an older age sounds dreadful to me.

JLeslie's avatar

^^What are you doing? I said I don’t criticize any politician for being tongue tied when up in front of an audience or a live interview and you keep coming at me with links to politicians? I already acknowledge they make mistakes. Biden, Trump, Obama, Bush, all have examples. You cherry picking the politicians you hate is going to do what? Reinforce your confirmation bias?

Patty_Melt's avatar

You say that, but what link did you post?
Trump speaks publicly ten times more than speedy, but makes only a tenth of the gaffes.
He has been speaking at rallies for at least one hour each. He stumbles once or twice during most, rather than every two minutes.

During the speech in question here, Biden had less direction than a tumbleweed.
Pelosi’s weird antics were more cringe than watching open heart surgery. What was the thing with the knuckle engagement accompanied with creepy sneering? Kamala looked like she was barely holding back derisive cackles.
The only good parts of the speech were the promises he plagiarised from Trump.

He focused a huge part of the speech on Ukraine, when by title, it was supposed to be about this country.

Of the points he did cover, he offered not one solution.

I’m an independent.

JLeslie's avatar

@Patty_Melt My FIRST comment about how a president or politician speaks was stating I gave Bush a pass, I give them all a pass. Then Seawulf tries to say Biden is worse than others. He’s cherry picking not me. From the START on this Q I acknowledge they all have blunders. If you go way way back to the Bush years I defended his slip ups and even his dancing. Stupid things the Democrats went after. I ran to the polls to vote against Bush when he ran for president, but I still wasn’t going to hate on him for things that can easily happen to anyone or for showing some levity and fun. You are coming after the wrong person.

I posted the Trump link for seawulf, because he seems to be oblivious to his favorite politicians screwing up in the same way he is accusing others. I’ve already admitted and agreed Biden, Obama, etc have done it. Look back at old Q’s, you will see I basically was rolling my eyes when people gushed over how Obama speaks. His speech delivery is good, but in interviews he has some hesitation in his speech pattern sometimes. It was like no one who loved him noticed and I couldn’t understand it.

I even defended Trump when people droned on that he was walking slowly and poor posture. He’s in his 70’s!

seawulf575's avatar

@JLeslie You are the one that posted the YouTube video with the statement that there are many more for Trump. I was merely responding to that. In fact, if you go back, my initial comment about the SOTU was that he bumbled through, but I didn’t go into any specifics. You statement about picking on his gaffes brought out the point that he is reading from the teleprompter so it makes his gaffes a little more meaningful. So what are YOU doing? Are YOU cherry picking things about the politicians you hate? Trying to protect the ones you like?

JLeslie's avatar

Lord. Let me help you all. I wrote this: All this attack on his speech giving skills or a slip of words? I defended Bush when he said words incorrectly and I defend Biden. Biden actually has a known stuttering problem since childhood that he has for the most part overcome. Giving a speech live isn’t easy.

Then I wrote this: @seawulf575 I disagree. A quick google for you, there are many more.

Meaning there are plenty more examples of Trump screwing up, but I’m not going to be bothered pasting everything. I was not saying Trump had more than Biden, I’m not counting!

I’m not the one saying one had more than the other, I’m the one saying it happens to everyone in front of a camera.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@JLeslie Including me – I was giving a report on something at work last week, using Zoom and with other employees amd two customers.

And I mis-spoke—messed up one name and left out a word during the report. Which I fixed a moment later.

Anyone can misspeak.

seawulf575's avatar

@JLeslie I wasn’t the one that deflected from the original question by bringing Trump into it. WhataboutTrumpism abound when Biden is questioned. I agree that anyone can goof when speaking live. It becomes a lot harder when that person merely has to read it off the teleprompter. What it tells me when he goofs up like that is not that he is mentally deficient, but that he doesn’t really have a good understanding of what he is saying. He is reading, not communicating ideas. And in my book THAT is bumbling.

JLeslie's avatar

@seawulf575 Trump has goofed when reading from the teleprompter, that’s what the link was for. You are the one coming down hard on Biden and not willing to look at Trump. You are being selective. I’m looking at everyone.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I will admit to being selective.
I’m pretty sure that is what making choices involves. It is part of the voting process, and subsequent support of chosen candidates.
I am independent because I trust neither party when it comes to career politicians, not fully.
I have voted both sides spanning decades, but lately liberals have become extremists I cannot abide.
Even so, finding Republicans I can support is like dropping a pocketful of tiny beads all over a beach, and trying to pick them out without getting any sand.
I am relieved some not career politicians are stepping up, but I will study them over before making any choices.

Trump is a choice I made, and will stand by. If he runs again, he has my vote.

JLeslie's avatar

^^Selective in what you are willing to listen to? Only pay attention to opinions that reinforce your own?

ragingloli's avatar

The guy who just said you should paint the Chinese flag on F22s, bomb Russia, then blame it on China.
That is the guy who has your vote.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I said I watched it, right?
I can’t be selective if I don’t see more than one viewpoint/action.
Watching it only reinforced my opinion that the current administration is super crooked.
I do have mixed feelings about buying fuel from other sources. On the one hand, it makes us politically vulnerable. On the other hand, if everyone else runs out, we’ll still have some.

seawulf575's avatar

@JLeslie The point I was just making is that the question was what I thought about Biden’s SOTU address. I answered that. To try deflecting from Biden by bringing up Trump and then say I’m the one being selective is disingenuous. The question was not what I thought of Trump. It was not whether I felt Trump never goofed when he spoke. It was not whether I thought Trump was a better public speaker than Biden. Yet you have taken a question specifically about Biden’s speech and turned it (with the help of others) into a Trump thing. All because I was honest about my feelings about the speech. Care to talk about selectivity now?

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