Social Question

ragingloli's avatar

What is this facial expression called?

Asked by ragingloli (52359points) March 5th, 2022

And what emotional/mental state does it signify?

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21 Answers

Blackberry's avatar

A mix of:
“See, told you so…”
“What the heck is this, bro…”

chyna's avatar

Smirk face.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Hmm… I’m thinking…

Dutchess_III's avatar

Looks pleading to me.

rebbel's avatar

Er lacht wie ein Bauer mit Zahnschmerzen.
He is laughing like a farmer with tooth ache.
@chyna I translated it just before you asked me to :-)

chyna's avatar


Dutchess_III's avatar


smudges's avatar

“Mmmmm. . .love me some canary!”

Zaku's avatar

Is the modern lingo for this, “derpy smile”?

gondwanalon's avatar

It’s kind of a sarcastic smile.

Demosthenes's avatar

That’s my O face.

SnipSnip's avatar

Not me; the Russians did it.

rebbel's avatar

“Oops, it’s did it again.”

Jeruba's avatar

Well, my husband, with his customary indelicacy, would have called it a shit-eating grin.

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

It’s like a shoulder shrug. Like, I’m just a cat, what do I know from Putin?

JLoon's avatar


Or – “Ready for my tongue bath Vlad.”

Jeruba's avatar

Here’s my shaky translation, calling upon my memory of high school German (which I took when Kennedy was president). Please pardon my humble guesses:

What Putin has [gained? achieved?] in less than a week:
• All of Europe has united.
• Germany has [something to do with weapons or warfare].
• Sweden and Finland want into NATO.
• Turkey and Greece have a common enemy.
• Switzerland is no longer neutral. (!)
• Russia’s economy is flat on the floor.

What Putin has not gained:
• Ukraine.

How’d I do?

raum's avatar


Just noticed that @Zaku beat me to it.
What they said.

filmfann's avatar

Post thorazine injection bliss?

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