Well. I found out my texts actually have a character limit!
“Becky….I am an atheist. There are lot of reasons for the decision I made 15 years ago.
One of them was watching some Christians plow through their lives, leaving hurt, angry, confused, frightened and frustrated people in their wake, and refusing to take any responsibility for it because God is on their side so they MUST be doing the right thing.
Your behavior in Florida was abominable, starting in the ER with you telling Kathy, who had just suffered a seizure, that you could feel Dad in the room. In her confusion she thought you were telling her Dad was actually, physically there. How cruel.
And then bringing the dog into her house!
Kathy loves dogs but she didn’t want them in her house! She was afraid they’d scratch the floor, not to mention dog hair all over the place.
And THEN you thought it would be great idea to “gently” break the news about the dog to Kathy while she was in the hospital. Yeah. She needed that stress.
You sanctimonously said said you would help out any family member who needed financial help. How about you start with paying back the money you borrowed from me? Money I really couldn’t afford to lend because Rick lost his job in outside sales due to Covid.
Not to mention the $800 I was out in airfare because you selfishly decided to change everyone’s carefully thought out out schedules, without even discussing it with anyone.
Your behavior was so bad Kathy’s doctor’s office kicked you out!
And have you forgotten when (in 1995) you started calling my children, when I was at work and scaring the shit out of them with all your wisdom about alcoholism? You literally had Corrie in tears, crying every night, believing that she would be an alcholic when she grew up, and it was inevitable. (Good news. They aren’t.) You didn’t do that to Lex. You preyed on me because I was alone and unprotected. You targeted my children when they were alone and unprotected.
Good bye, toxic “Christian.”