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Hawaii_Jake's avatar

How are energy prices affecting you?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37841points) March 8th, 2022

I have started driving less. I walk or take the bus if it’s less than a mile. When I do drive, I go slow and accelerate slowly.

I recently had to ask my roommate to contribute more for electricity. We’re getting a fuel surcharge.

Are you making changes?

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19 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

None yet. . . end of the month maybe different.

Brian1946's avatar

Not yet.

I only drive about 40 miles a month.

It’d be great if the war ended before I had to fill up again. ;p

gorillapaws's avatar

We’re basically only driving the electric car right now.

JLeslie's avatar

No changes yet, but I use very little gas for my car. My husband and I drive about 50 miles a week combined during a typical week. I already keep my air conditioning up at 76–77 degrees, and this time of year we often have the windows open part of the day.

My effort has been posting on facebook asking companies to go back to letting employees work from home part of the week or all week if it is feasible. My husband’s company is having everyone return back to the office in April on a hybrid plan; almost everyone has been working from home this entire time of covid. It should be interesting to see if some people complain about having to commute again. Actually, they were already asking to make work from home permanent, and now they have the gas prices adding to the equation.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Grocery delivery went up $2.00 as well as the groceries by 33% meat the most.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Brian1946 I truly hope so :)

As for myself, I haven’t gone outside much since the pandemic. I hope the war will end before I have to fill up too :P

SEKA's avatar

I’m going out less and less. When I do need to go out, I plan the shortest route to cover the most efficient use of my vehicle. I’m praying for a mild summer

flutherother's avatar

Energy prices haven’t gone up here yet but they will at the end of the month. I have turned down the thermostat on my central heating and I wear a warm jumper when in the flat. The flat feels perfectly comfortable. I have been showering every second day rather than every day. I’m hoping these measures will hold my heating and electricity bills steady. I don’t have a car, but I haven’t had one for years. I do this partly to save money and partly to live a “greener” lifestyle.

Food bills are also going to rise and it is estimated UK inflation will reach 8% this year and the average household will be paying an extra £1,000 a year.

chyna's avatar

I now plan all of my trips together if I can. Like instead of running to the post office one day and the grocery store the next, I am planning them together. I think things out more carefully now.

zenvelo's avatar

Not a lot since I have a hybrid. And, I keep my drivning to a minimum. Even though we now have to go into the office on Tuesday’s and Thursdays, I walk to catch the train.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Energy prices affect grocery delivery to our stores.

Thus food costs way up and in some cases double of what they used to be.

I don’t purchase meat, but insted purchase frozen healthy dinners that are on the market now and thus save money instead of purchasing individual ingredients to make it.

This is temporaty until things return to normal prices.

Result: lost some unnecessary weight which is good for me.

Feel healthier and stronger and rarely ever purchse any type of sweets..just a package of licorice for something once in awhile.

Don’t miss the sugar anymore.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Just today I had my 2 heating oil tanks filled. About 2 months ago the price for delivered heating oil was $3.29 per gallon. Today I had to pay $4.54. It took 286 gallons so my bill came to $1298 instead of $941. I figured I should top off the tanks in case of some delivery shortage or disaster in the future.
At this price I will burn more wood for heat and not be so lazy.

RocketGuy's avatar

@LuckyGuy – and wear thicker sweaters indoors?

jca2's avatar

Two months ago, my power bill was about 150. One month ago, it was 250. Now it’s 400. I don’t have the heat on and so the power is just for lights, TV, charging stuff and oven, stove, washing machine and dishwasher. I use the dishwasher about three times a week and washing machine about the same.

Since the pandemic shutdown, I’ve been having some days where I’m home and some days where I run errands, so I’m not going out every day. Now with gas prices going up ($4.15 at Costco Danbury yesterday, Tuesday 3/8/22), I am going to be more prudent about driving places but I don’t drive a lot unnecessarily anyway. My driving itself hasn’t changed. Around here, NY/CT, if you drive slow you’ll be cut off and it’s actually dangerous.

Chestnut's avatar

They’re not. We saved up knowing these rainy days were coming.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@RocketGuy Even in the best of times, my thermostats are set at ½ degree above divorce so sweaters or hoodies are the norm. :-)

Inspired_2write's avatar

Looks like many will resort to wood burning fireplaces?
Electric cars in full production in Japan and they are ahead of the energy game.
Hope that electric cars come ourt sooner than expected so that we don’t depend on oil or gas as much.

zenvelo's avatar

I went to the cheapo gas station in my town, and filled up on regular. It was $5.59 a gallon, up $1.20 from when I filled up two weeks ago.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I left 3 gallons of oil in the ground yesterday by heating with wood that I had around the house.
By not buying those 3 gallons I reduced the price of oil and gasoline at the pump by 0.000001 %! Take THAT Putrid !!!
(I didn’t count the zeros carefully so don’t quote that figure.) I’ll check it now…
3 gallons saved / Daily US consumption 337 million = 8.9 E-9 or 8.9 E-7 percent. Round up a touch for easy math 10 E-7% = 1 E-6%
Multiply by the Price vs Supply factor of 12:1 ( 12% change in price yields 1% change in usage)
1 E-6×12 = 1.2 E-5 = 0.000012 % price reduction due to my 3 gallons.
At $5 per gallon that is 0.00006 cents per gallon for everyone buying gas today.
You’re Welcome!

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