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LuckyGuy's avatar

As they get bogged down in Ukraine what new disinformation can we expect from Russia's paid social media posters?

Asked by LuckyGuy (43882points) March 10th, 2022

Now that Russia is getting bogged down in Ukraine, they are stepping up the brutality inflicted upon the Ukrainian citizens. They are also stepping up their propaganda and disinformation campaigns.
“We are not invading. The massing of troops is only an exercise.”
“Ukrainians want to join mother russia”
“We are invading to protect citizens from genocide.”
“Russia settled and started Ukraine so we can take it back.”
“We are making safe passage corridors so citizens can leave.”
Unless you live under a rock you now know all these are totally false.

The latest is “Ukraine is developing weapons of mass destruction so we need to invade.”

What other BS, lies disinformation have you heard and have you tracked the source? Does it lead to a Russian stooge?

When do you think they will perform a false flag attack on a soft target in a western country and blame it on Ukraine?

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17 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

The Ukrainians are Nazis !

LuckyGuy's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Good one. I forgot about that. Nazis, huh. What makes the claim even funnier is the fact that President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is Jewish.

Also Russia falsely claimed Zelenskyy fled the country.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I think Putin fled the country too !
Like he is on one of his yachts.

^^^^ So it would be projection on his part. ^^^^

JLeslie's avatar

I saw on TV that Russia is showing a clip of Ukrainian actors showing how to make it look like you have blood all over you from being hurt. It’s like what you see at an amusement park like Universal, a show about costumes and make-up, but Russia is saying Ukraine is using these techniques to fake that Russia is hurting and killing people. Accusing Ukraine of creating propaganda about what is happening.

Edit: Russia Probably can create a ton of propaganda about Ukraine being Nazis. I’ve mentioned before WS is in Ukraine, like everywhere. Here’s a quote from an article: I recently interviewed members of one such group, the Atomwaffen Division, now known as the National Socialist Order. The organization seeks the collapse of the current social order so that a whites-only society may rise up in its place. The group has sent members to train in Ukraine, where neo-Nazi militias have recruited white supremacists from around the world to join their fight against Russia and advance racist ideology. In propaganda videos intended to further this goal – which are readily available on the internet – the group advocates a three-step process. The reporter is a very good investigative reporter.


Russia of course is killing innocent every day people who have nothing to do with this group of WS and Putin is a power hungry maniac, but anyway the propaganda has a mini bit of legitimacy to make people really believe it probably. Maybe the Russians don’t even know the Ukrainian president is Jewish? Imagine that. Such a small Jewish population in Ukraine and a Jewish president.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@JLeslie Maybe Russia should invade here to help get rid of guys like this. White nationalist

That disinformation technique is a very clever approach. They are lying about lying. Very clever.

JLeslie's avatar

@LuckyGuy Yes, exactly my point. The world can easily make America look like we are a country of NeoNazis.

The news in the US does it regarding where I live. Everything on the news about The Villages, FL, tries to reinforce the idea that the entire city is full of WS Trumpers. When they do show a clip of Democrats or Biden supporters it’s always done in a way that makes it seem like there are only a handful of those (us) people.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

We are not a country of Neo-Nazis; we a country with some of our leaders that are unabashed Neo-Nazis. Article is 4 years old . . .

Here is the one from North Carolina. Madison Cawthorn is a supporter on skin-head organizations.

Pandora's avatar

@JLeslie But doesn’t the right politicians help that scenario when they go to White Nationalist (aka KKK) rallies and when Right wing leaders want to suppress LGBT community and hand harsher punishment to minorities. For something to sound true there is usually something that is helping it. Just think about Ahmaud Arbery. If the video was never seen those murderers would’ve gotten away with a hate crime with the help of the justice system that was going to not charge. Good ole boys cover for what they saw was justifiable murder. (I know Georgia not Florida)

The whole country isn’t like that but it seems the ones in power are okay with it on the right because its votes for them. So no. All of Florida is most certainly not like that. I’ve been to Florida several times and I’ve met lovely people. But it seems a good portion are blind to what the few are getting away with because in their small little world things seem good. Especially the elderly who misheard, can’t keep track of stories or don’t really care to know because they just need things to be okay for the few years they have left.

It’s like looking at a rotten apple and saying no problem, I’ll just eat the good parts the rest can have what I don’t eat.

JLeslie's avatar

@Pandora If you mean shouldn’t we report on and expose these right winger WS politicians and people, yes I think we should. It’s the impression that’s given about the state that I take issue with. Florida is heavily gerrymandered so that affects the political representation, but the the people in the state are registered almost exactly 50/50 Democrat and Republican. Some of the people who are unaffiliated with a party likely vote Republican more often, but the state is still extremely purple.

The media usually reports my city with only a part of the actual numbers from what I can tell. I know that because they say the population of The Villages (TV) is 75,000, and our population is 130,000. TV runs through three counties and they are using the population of only one county, and the voting stats and registration from that county from what I can tell. It’s an inaccurate representation. At the lowest TV is 35% Democrats, I think it might easily be higher. That’s 1 in 3 people you meet. That means it’s not that hard here to make friends with Democrats if that’s all someone wants to do. I’ve seen stats that TV is 2% Jewish (like the US) and somehow I run into Jewish people constantly; running into a Democrat is even easier.

I can’t tell you how many of my friends up north say they would never move to Florida because of the politics, that they have to be surrounded by liberals and diversity. My friends here are diverse. Puerto Rican, Colombian, Black, Jewish, Pakistani, white, and acquaintances who are Spanish, Argentinian, and the list goes on.

I just had a friend say she wouldn’t move here because she has two gay children. I know two lesbian couples within several blocks of me. Last night a gay couple was dancing right next to me in the town square. The once a week meet-up for gay people and friends and family at the country club a mile from is 50–150 people every week, depending on the time of year.

Plus, how is Florida going to change if Democrats only want to be in Blue states? That’s the same as a Black person complaining about red lining, and then the discrimination is finally eradicated, but they won’t move into “white” neighborhoods.

Democrats who won’t move to Florida on some sort of political principle help keep the state and the nation red. Florida is an incredibly important electoral state.

What if the news made Florida more attractive to Democrats?

The news and social media affects how people think. Even the smartest people tend to not really dig deep and research actual statistics, and sometimes it’s hard to get accurate statistics.

Just think, the US is 2% Jewish, does it feel that way to you? Or, does it seem like there are many more than that? Just 6.5 million Jews in the entire country. There are 42 million Black people in the US. There are 60 million Hispanic people in the US. Is your perception of the diversity accurate?

There are just 17 million Jews in the entire world. Does it seem like more? Fewer Jewish people in the entire world than total people in the state of Florida.

Pandora's avatar

I get your point but why would anyone want to move to a place that is heavily gerrymandered and where people have no desire to get rid of their ineffective or hurtful politicians. Yes there are gay people in Florida, but the Right is making strong moves across the country to make their lives difficult. Republicans have figured out that if they attack everything that Dems care about that they would be less likely to move there and they are right.

JLeslie's avatar

@Pandora Florida voted for Bill Clinton his second run, Obama both times, it should have been Gore (we all know that story) and when it went to the Republican it was a very close vote. Trump/Hillary went to Trump by 1%, something like 103,000 votes. We have close to 1,000 people move to Florida per day! Over 300,000 a year. Not all are voters though. The vote can easily shift. Gerrymandering affects our local reps and Congress, but we can still get a Democrat for governor and president.

Every single vote here counts. Your vote counts here for the general elections; counts way more than a blue state. We have blue counties where major cities are located like most states. We have “liberal” issues that get passed here with really good percentages like allowing ex-cons to vote (that was recent and the Republicans tried to still prevent them from voting, but the people voted for it). Florida also voted to raise the minimum wage to $15. Votes over and over again for green energy to be a right of the individual and not have the energy corporations take over all control.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@JLeslie your Governor is a dipwad . . . .

JLeslie's avatar

^^Do you want a Democrat in FL next time? Then we need more voting Democrats to move here.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

You need less Republicans that vote the party line.

You need Republicans to use critical thinking.

JLeslie's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Some of them did vote for Biden, some left the party, but a whole bunch stayed Republicans and vote Republican, and also we have Libertarians voting Republican not only in Florida, but many states. Trying to change the minds of the remaining party line Republicans is way harder then just getting more Democrats to vote. Republicans register to vote in FL! Remember that woman who worked in the Trump administration who was using her parents’ address down here? Was that ever investigated? Does she really live here? Trump moved his primary address here, I’m not sure why he waited in the first place. Republicans know the tax benefit being here and the voting benefit.

My husband took a job in Nashville and I’m purposely staying in Florida more than six months a year so my primary residence here is not questioned in any way so I vote here and get the tax benefit.

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