Do you think Putin started this shitstorm hoping it would get Trump reelected?
How many brainless sheeple are out there right now saying “Putin wouldn’t have dared to invade Ukraine if Trumpy was president!!”
I mean, he had no reason to invade the country other than political.
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25 Answers
Putin is hoping USA reverses the election and puts old Tangerine make-up, the PUSSY grabber, back in the White House before April ! So Trump can visit for May Day. Then Trump can visit and see the desert caused by Russia with chemical and biological weapons in Ukraine.
No. Putin helped get Trump elected so he could weaken the US and thus enable his current terratorial aggression. I doubt he cares about Trump at all now.
Didn’t Rand Paul’s grandson get picked by authorities for channeling Russian money to Trumps election fund ??
It’s not about caring for trump. It’s about getting him reelected so he can further weaken us and fortify his Hitler agenda.
He’s trying to reunify the old USSR, just like Hitler tried to reunify the old Germany.
Trump is the the only politician, Republican or Democrat, who would cheer him on because trump is an idiot.
Trump wanted to pull the U.S. out of NATO. Putin would have held back until that happened.
I think Trump was a stepping stone. He needed Trump to destabilize Nato and Trump did that. Trump would’ve completely pulled out of Nato if he won a second term and they would’ve gladly let the US go because they lost confidence in the US. I think he would’ve loved for Trump to stay because then attacking Ukraine would’ve been so easy. Trump would not have stood in his way. With Trump losing it seems Putin forgot one thing.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend. And so he wasn’t counting on Nato not only getting reinforced and tightening its ties with the US but other counties near Russia are now considering joining Nato and are helping Ukraine out.
Another thing Putin didn’t count on is the reaction of everyday Americans. These aren’t Brown or Black people he’s killing. He’s killing Blond, blue-eyed people. Grandparents and children alike. So even the right-wing racist aren’t fond of this idea. And they may not like Biden but I think a lot of them know this would’ve still happened under Trump and I think a lot of them now see how Trump actually encouraged this to happen by being really lenient and weak with his reponse to despots.
Eventually Putin would’ve turned on Trump because I think Putin has the desire to be a world leader like Hitler.
Trump was and remains the best friend Putin could ever see in the White House. Nothing would suit him better than a would be strongman with a huge ego and the brain of a gnat. Putin would have no need to suppress Ukrainian cravings for European prosperity with a President here screaming “America First”. Putin hears that correctly as “fk nato, Europe and everybody else.” Trump is the hero for every ham fisted crude potentate left on the planet.
According to DJTJ, thumper was just playing with Putin “pretending” to be weak and submissive to get him exactly where he wanted him. Then he was going to come out as the fierce leader that he is naturally
Putin didn’t expect a shit storm. His advisers told him Ukraine would be a walkover and that the Ukrainian government could be replaced within days and with little fuss. He underestimated the strength of Ukrainian resistance.
I don’t believe so. Biden was doing just fine running himself into the ground. This war actually gave him a little bump. Not much of a bump, but a bump. I think the question makes a really bad assumption: that Putin cares about Trump. He doesn’t. And it also makes the assumption that Putin would cause a war just to help Trump even if he did. The question is part of Trump Derangement Syndrome
No. His reason are as obvious as his head between his legs
@SEKA That gave me a laugh. That means even his own clueless children saw Trump was weak with Russia and are now trying to cover up for him.
@Pandora I never laughed so hard as when watching jr grow indignant about people who don’t understand his dad’s brilliance. He was putting down the average citizen who doesn’t have a clue about life. I see it as he is so fuckin protected that he has no clue about “real” life. His privileged ass gets anything he wants whether it’s right or wrong so his temper tantrums amuse me
Yes, he most definitely saw the weakness and he feels the need to make it palatable
Actually, I don’t think Putin gives a rat’s ass about thumper except as a very useful tool (pun intended) to achieve his goal of becoming a world power and destroying the USA
If you pay attention, Putin never utters thumper’s name but thumper jumps in every chance he gets to speak of his brilliant friend
If I got my way, thumper would be up for sentencing for being a traitor of the worst kind
If trump was in office nothing like this would probably happen.
I wouldn’t put anything past Putin. Or Trump. They both have bats in their belfry.
Just the opposite.
Putin planned this war assuming America would re-elect Trump and that Trump wouldn’t do much about it.
What does Trump have to do with Putin?
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