Social Question

What Do You Do With A Customer That Won't Give Up?
I have this friend that stops by his local grocery store on his way home from work, usually 2 to 3 days a week. He spots a female cashier who wore a pair of Jordan sneakers that he likes. He goes to her register to get his things paid for and has quick conversation with her. He asked what does she do outside of work, and he claims that she’s going for her Bachelor’s Degree. Being a Bachelor’s Degree, Presumably this girl is in her early 20s, where as my friend is in his early 30s. He also complimented her on her sneakers and asks where she got them. She mentioned her brother got them for her birthday. And this was the first time he saw her.
A week later, he stops by the store and sees her again, goes to her register to pay for everything, have short convo, and that’s it.
Another week later, he sees her again, visits her register to pay for everything, and invites her to hangout – not for a date or romance, but just as a friend, getting each other’s friends together and going to the movies kind of thing. But when he asked her this, he claimed she had a dazed and confused look in her face, like someone was trying to poison her or something, when all he was doing was showing genuine interest in her because he thought she was cool. Although it was risky to put her on the spot like so. And he doesn’t like to miss an opportunity if there’s one there.
He’s been seeing her every week, and was just being nice. But later hasn’t seen her lately, for whatever reason. One week when he hasn’t seen her, he leaves her coworker a note mentioning how he feels and that he’s not rushing romance and that he doesn’t want to deal with gold-diggers. He also mentioned in his letter that he has the same Jordan sneakers she has and that they have matching sneakers. I’m worried now of what may happen now that he gave her coworker the letter.
I give him an A for his effort, but I’m concerned about him as he’s trying too hard, and I even told him this. I guess it didn’t matter because he already sent the letter, even after I told him try looking for another girl. If you were the female cashier (in their early 20s), what would you do in this scenario?
Also, if a male customer that admired you, came to your register, had the same sneakers you had on, and gave you that letter, what would you do?