Do you have a favourite coffee mug?
Asked by
March 14th, 2022
I do, Mrs Squeeky says she does not.
What about you?
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16 Answers
I don’t drink coffee, so nope!!!
That said, I do have a stainless tumbler that I prefer when drinking hot chocolate. It helps to retain the “hot” in the chocolate. There’s NOTHING worse than cold hot chocolate, so I tend to use the tumbler to keep my taste buds happier!!!
I have a few I prefer out of the 20 or so mugs in my house. I don’t drink coffee, but I do drink hot chocolate and tea.
Sort of, it’s more of a favorite size.
@JLeslie when I remodeled my kitchen I found that I had about 30 coffee mugs and I’m single and don’t drink coffee or tea! I got rid of most of them.
So my answer is no, I don’t have a favorite mug.
No. Mugs and cups eventually break or the handle comes up; I try not to be emotionally involved with inanimate objects that break.
I have a cabinet – a stable – of coffee mugs that I pick from randomly, so each one has an equal change of use. They all feel included as a result.
@chyna I should count them. Six are matching actually, so maybe that counts as one for this Q. I do my best not to buy more mugs. It’s a good souvenir, but then it gets ridiculous after a while having so many mugs.
I have several “favorite” glasses and coffee mugs.
The each have some significant meaning or are comforting in drinking from them.
My favorite coffee mug is a Denby coffee mug I bought about 25 years ago.
When I visit my Mom, I have a different favorite coffee mug that my Father used to drink his morning joe out of.
Yes. A black, plastic, insulated, 16 oz. ALADDIN. I’ve had it so long and used it so much the painted on advertising is worn off!
I have a set of plain beige coffee cups and it reminds me every time when I drink my cofffee ..that each day is a blank slate to start your day with, so make it worthwhile.
Not really, any old storm in a port.
Yes, two one is a dark blue ceramic mug I bought and a turquoise mug I made !
Yes the two tall ones require less topping off. :)
I require very specific features to accept a mug as satisfactory. I know others who do as well. The slightest variation can result in disposal of the mug, or at least putting it on the top shelf out of the current mug rotation.
I tend to get sentimentally attached to things that I own, so I have several favorites. I have a few favorites that i like to drink out of, because of their size and shape, and I have a few favorites that I like because of the decoration on them. One is a big Bob’s Burgers cup, and one is a cute cup I bought from Pier One, that has Easter=ish decorations on it. The Bob’s Burgers cup is big, like a bowl, so too big for my average drinking, and the Pier One cup is a little on the small side, so too small for my average drinking.
I have a supply of disposable cups that I drink coffee out of. They tend to keep the coffee hot, as opposed to putting it into a cold ceramic cup which would cool it off. I re-use the disposable cups, so I’m not throwing a cup out every day. I rinse them and use them for about a week before discarding them.
OMG, yes. I get so attached. Ijust recently cleaned out the cabinet, and got rid of most of them, but damn, it was hard.
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